K’naan, rapper behind Wavin’ Flag megahit, charged with sexual assault in Quebec City

Source: Surax


  1. At this point I’m starting to think that we should assume all entertainers are misogynistic pieces of shit by default, until they prove otherwise.

  2. I saw a comment a couple years back on here that this guy was a fucking creep and would sexually harass underage girls including the commenter’s friend. Like lots of grooming through texts and shit and unabashedly hitting on underage girls when he was in town for shows

  3. C’mon not him too. You would think the wealth and fame would make them less likely (as they have more options) but it seems like it makes them more likely to assault.

    I don’t get it.

  4. Optimal-Handle390 on

    WHY are most of these famous ppl such creeps?? Or are there really that many violent pervs around us, just with no money or access??!!

  5. Rude-Celebration-633 on

    I’m not sure why anyone expects a kosher time being had after you’re invited to a rich rappers hotel room. You’ve seen music videos right?

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