Stuck on repeat: why Peter Dutton’s ‘greatest hits’ on nuclear power are worse than a broken record

Source: Bennelong

1 Comment

  1. Competitive_Donkey21 on

    The guardian is so biased it isn’t funny. The first 2 lines are a lie, the proposal is to replace existing coal plants.
    Costings? Modular nuclear reactors aren’t like your massive three mile island or Chernobyl size, they’re small, but, they’re new. None that we would buy exist yet, so it is probably best to wait a few years until we do invest. Solar with batteries is not financially viable. Labor costings include for every house to have their own battery which they’ve paid for (15k for a basic one, 30-40k if you want to run an aircond overnight) and may catch fire and may break after a few years etc.
    I have solar on the roof but we now as a society have so much solar it is creating all the demand we need, during the day, then at night we need to crank the baseload power from 0-100%. Alot of hydro plants could help store the energy but, they are extremely expensive, more than nuclear.

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