ANALYSIS | The scandal that shocked Parliament in the spring is slowly fading from memory | CBC News

Source: bigedcactushead


  1. TheManFromTrawno on

    > They suggested that party leaders ask to be briefed on the relevant intelligence and then, if necessary, take action within their own parties and caucuses in response to what they learn.

    Well said. This needs to happen yesterday.

    > But Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre previously [refused]( to get the security clearance necessary to review an unredacted copy of the NSICOP report. 

    WHAT!!! Seriously???? He’s had 4 months to get this sorted out. It’s shocking that PP is not taking this seriously. What the hell’s wrong with him?

  2. The lack of details makes sure there’s no story left to tell. Someone did a good job at killing this one.

  3. Let’s be honest, only a small percentage of Canadians really cared about foreign interference.

    The reality is that most Canadians didn’t give a shit about this.

  4. i really hope someone in the know leaks this list. just send it to newspapers. one of them will pick it up.

  5. Glacial_Shield_W on

    I mean. It’s fading from memory for people who don’t care. The rest of us would love for the media to pressure the politicians for more information to educate us before an election.

  6. FindYourFriends on

    It’s being memory holes on purpose because every party is compromised. Canada is far more corrupt than people realize.

  7. My favourite was the followup story of a Liberal staffer admitting they never read the reports while on a committee looking into thud.

  8. Automatic-Bake9847 on

    With the absolute shit show that was the Johnston inquiry, followed by these details, I’m absolutely stunned how quiet everyone is on this.

    My thought is it is so far reaching that most people in important positions want it buried so no ody is pushing for anything to happen.

  9. Anglicanpolitics123 on

    Hey. The Nazi scandal where people in Parliament gave a standing ovation to a Nazi has also been swept under rug. As has the Chrystia Freeland’s grandfather Michael Komiak who was a Nazi collaborator during WWII with her knowing about it for 20 years and still lying about and cherry picking his record in order to advance her career. So this is just part for the course in terms of the corruption in our politics.

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