Trump’s Gag Orders Reinstated by Appeals Court in New York Civil Fraud Case

Source: iaincaradoc


  1. sugarlessdeathbear on

    Well I should hope so considering the articles yesterday in part detailing some of the hate messages and death threat the court clerk received *since the gag was lifted*.

  2. OppositeDifference on

    >News Anchor: Trump’s Gag order has been reinstated by the appeals court. The question that is now raised is how long it will take before the former president violates……… This just in… in a series of unhinged posts on Truth Social Donald Trump leveled a series of attacks against…

    I give it until late tonight when he starts his nightly ritual of rage posting from the shitter.

  3. CranberrySchnapps on

    > Trump’s legal team has appealed both of the orders to New York’s Appellate Division, First Department, obtaining a temporary stay of the order as the appeal was pending.

    Delay tactics…

    Is this one of those things where his lawyers *have* to file this appeal as part of their due diligence even though he has no chance of winning the appeal?

  4. Can we have a make-up ban also? Seriously, for his own sake, why would they let the orange con go full clown face like that?? I thought conservatives dont like drag and all

  5. Apparently a defendant not being able to repeatedly heap public abuse on a court employee during a trial is “*a tragic day for the rule of law*” in Trump World.

  6. halfsweethalfstreet on

    Although extremely unhappy about being gagged, Trump reiterated his willingness to pay extra for the golden shower.

  7. Shame there’s no legal repercussions for the hundreds of credible death threats Trump has instigated against the courts and judicial system of the USA.

  8. Ok-Tomatillo-4194 on

    Remember all those times normal people could get a gag order and then get it removed and then talk shit and then just get it put back on and nothing happens? This is totally normal.

  9. Right now he is posting a BARRAGE of stuff about the judge’s wife’s social media posts.

    There is doubt that account even belongs to the judges wife. She denies it.

    I guess he got the bad news. He’s attacking whoever he can without violating the order.

  10. myveryowname1234 on

    Oh no!!! Now when he violates it the judge can “slam” him while doing nothing of value, like throwing his ass in jail.

    2 tier justice system indeed.

  11. futanari_kaisa on

    What’s the point of Gag orders if he’s not suffering any significant repercussions for violating them?

  12. Still trying to figure out why if he been violating the gag orders and nothing being done but fines that dude probably ain’t gone pay .. why keep talking about it .. treat dude like everyone else and put that ass in jail for lil spell…. Too be honest seems like that slap on wrist shit ain’t working 😂

  13. So it ONLY stops him from statements about the judge’s staff. So trump is still free to spew hatred and bigotry and lie about the judge or anyone else. 🙄

  14. SoggyBoysenberry7703 on

    HELL YEAH. Now let’s hope he spews shit from his mouth and promptly gets in trouble again.

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