Zelenskyy called JD Vance ‘too radical’ and recommended he ‘read up on the history of the Second World War’

Source: Silent-Resort-3076


  1. Silent-Resort-3076 on

    * Ukraine’s president criticized Sen. JD Vance in a New Yorker interview, saying he was “too radical.”
    * Donald Trump’s running mate has accused Ukraine of corruption and said the US has overcommitted aid to it.
    * Zelenskyy warned Vance’s stance could lead to global conflict and urged him to study World War II.

  2. Rated_PG-Squirteen on

    “Senator Vance, how would you characterize the Allied and Axis powers during WWII?”

    “You know, whatever makes sense.”

  3. Choice-of-SteinsGate on

    Revisionism is mandatory for Republicans. History changes to fit their narratives.

    In this case, JD Vance, Trump especially, and his supporters as well, are promoting Kremlin propaganda in order to rationalize their stance against the war in Ukraine. More specifically, to justify their opposition to Democrat support for Ukraine in this war.

    Trump and Vance have promoted the idea of caving into Putin’s demands if they win the next election. Arguing that if we just give Putin what he wants, the war will end, la-dee-frickin-da. However, much like Churchill didn’t negotiate with Hitler because Hitler was a dangerous expansionist looking to consolidate power wherever and whenever he could, and any overtures of peace were merely strategic moves, U.S leaders should take the same stance against Putin.

    That’s because Putin is also looking to consolidate power. His goal is to annex Ukraine in its entirety, rob its people of their independence, then continue with his “special military occupation” into other regions of Eastern Europe, where he will expand his oil empire and create soviet-like “spheres of influence” in every territory that his military occupies.

    This is a good opportunity to remind people just how much of an asset Trump has been to Putin.

    While Trump was president he frequently repeated Kremlin propaganda about things like the annexation of Crimea and the invasion of Georgia, about NATO in particular, about the threat and existence of Russian cyber attacks and election interference, even siding with Putin over our own intelligence agencies on the matter.

    Trump also refused to condemn Russia for its attacks on Ukrainian military vessels in 2018.

    Trump has repeated Putin’s false claims about Ukraine in general. Especially claims that served as a pretext for war.

    Trump said that Putin did *”an amazing job of taking the mantle”* when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. And in 2016, during his presidential campaign, Trump encouraged the annexation of the territory and repeated a Kremlin talking point, saying, *”The people of Crimea, from what I’ve heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were.”*

    After the 2016 election, The Trump transition team pleaded with the Russians to not escalate in response to sanctions that were imposed under Obama. Michael Flynn asked the Russian ambassador personally not to escalate the situation because the incoming Trump admin intended to have a good relationship with Putin.

    Trump told the Wall Street Journal that he was considering lifting Russian sanctions, he said, *”If you get along and if Russia is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions if somebody’s doing some really great things?”*

    In 2017, lawnakers passed a bipartisan bill that included new Russian sanctions. Trump was reluctant to signing the bill and it was reported that the Trump admin demanded that the language in the bill be “watered down.” Those involved in passing the sanctions said that Trump would have likely shot them down if they didn’t pass with a veto proof majority in both houses.

    In response to Putin being labeled a “killer” for murdering his political opponents, Trump said in 2015, *”I haven’t seen any evidence that he killed anybody, in terms of reporters.”* Then again in response to the same accusations in 2017, he said, *”There are a lot of killers. Do you think our country is so innocent?”*

    Trump even considered returning multiple spy bases to Russia located in Maryland and New York after the Obama administration seized the compounds and expelled all Russian “diplomats.”

    Trump shared highly classified intelligence with two senior Russian officials during an Oval Office meeting in 2017.

    Trump has also repeatedly attacked NATO, aligning himself with Putin and one of his most important goals—the weakening of NATO. Trump has called NATO “obsolete,” and has reportedly, on many occasions, said that he wants to withdraw from NATO completely.

    Trump even proposed working directly with Russia on a cyber security taskforce. It received swift bipartisan backlash and Trump was forced to backtrack after lawmakers had to remind him that Russia was responsible for repeated cyber attacks against the U.S.

    The Trump administration lifted sanctions on Russian Oligarch, and Putin ally, Oleg Deripaska.

    Trump also tried to rescind Russian sanctions after defector, Sergei Skripal was poisoned in an assassination attempt by Russia.

    Trump abandoned our Kurdish allies and withdrew from Syria, which helped aid Russian proxy wars and gave Putin the opportunity to take over abandoned U.S. military outposts.

    Let’s not forget that Trump froze aid to Ukraine and delayed sales of important Javelin, anti-tank missiles when Ukraine was desperate for these things in its fight against Russian proxies. Javelin missiles in particular have proved to be a major front-line defense for Ukraine against Russian military advances.

    Trump has called Putin’s invasion of Ukraine “genius,” and “savvy,” and has continuously threatened to not honor our commitment to any NATO countries who are “delinquent.” Encouraging Russia to do whatever it wants to allies who don’t contribute enough to military spending and threatening the security of the entire alliance in the process.

    Trump described NATO as if it was going out of business, saying, *”I went to NATO. And NATO was essentially going out of business ’cause people weren’t paying and it was going down, down, down,”*

    Trump has a severe misunderstanding of how this all works.

    in 2014, NATO members agreed to move “toward” spending 2 percent of GDP on national defense by 2024.

    > The 2 percent is a benchmark that each member should spend on its own defense in order to be able to contribute to the joint defense of the alliance. However, the goal is voluntary, and there is no debt or “delinquency” involved.

    Trump thinks there is some NATO fund or something. Each country’s spending doesn’t go towards NATO, but towards their own defense.

    Trump has called the U.S., *”the schmucks that are paying for the whole thing.”* Still not understanding that the funding benchmark has to do with each individual country’s own defense spending. We’re not paying for NATO, and in fact, our defense spending has been decreasing for years.

    The thing is, NATO was established after WWII to help combat Soviet expansion. Republicans, much like Trump, have argued NATO is irrelevant now that the Soviet Union is gone. This is absurd.

    Trump and his supporters have the audacity to claim that if Trump were president, this war would have never happened. Not only is that egregiously false, but it’s very likely, judging by everything I’ve pointed out, that Trump helped accelerate this war in the first place, and if he is elected again, he will continue to help advance Putin’s autocratic and violent agenda.

  4. He and the rest of America should also read up on how to spot obviously fake stuff on the internet before talking about it

  5. JD Vance criticized the media for not being able to tell “his truth” , well my truth is I hop JD Vance recovers from the tetanus he caught from a rusty couch spring soon, and that he finds the anal gangbang he has been searching for on Grindr soon.

  6. N3wAfrikanN0body on

    Mr Vance ia knowledgeable of WW2.

    He knows and chose to try to emulate the fascism of the Axis powers.

  7. Vance reading up on WW2 would be like a New England Patriots fan rewatching Superbowl 42.

    Why put yourself through that stress and pain just to see your side lose at the end

  8. stormstormstorms on

    I wish these Ivy League assholes would have their degrees revoked when they demonstrate such willful ignorance.

  9. ProtectionFromStupid on

    Vance is likely familiar with it and has already studied it to find out where his side got it wrong

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