Russia’s nuclear doctrine to include attacks on nonnuclear states

Source: eaglemaxie


  1. See these are the kind of weird “I’m serious guys” moves that happen when you open with apocalypse threats.

  2. Awkward_Bench123 on

    I wouldn’t wanna try any atomic shit against a well armed nuclear opponent. Not if I was Vlad, who probably put $50 billion more into the Sochi Winter Olympics than his whole rotten regime invested in the upkeep of like the leftover Soviet arsenal in 5 or ten years.

  3. Phoenix_Maximus_13 on

    Talking mad smack for a man with the “Worlds best nuclear missile” blew the hell up and it didn’t even leave its silo not once, not twice, BUT 6 TIMES, and China straight up told him clear as day “don’t you fucking dare” at like the beginning of the month.

  4. Prestigious_Nebula_5 on

    As someone with autism and ocd I have extreme anxiety issues, I’m kinda scared lol someone, please explain to me why I shouldn’t worry about this.

  5. Just speculating here but if Putin ever did utilize a nuclear strike on Ukraine I’m pretty sure a dirty bomb would make Moscow inhabitable for the next 2500 years. Just sayin’.

  6. Fuckin absolutely dumbass decision by the Biden admin to drag their feet on allowing long range strikes. Gives Putin the time to pull stunts like this. They should have allowed it from the beginning and no one would consider it some big deal like they are now. Ukraine trying to fight a war with their hands tied.

  7. Anonymous_linux on

    This is getting tiring Vlad.

    So your doctrine is basically: conventional attack the nearby country, fail to fulfill your goals, threaten with a nuclear attack, and (in your dreams) execute global apocalypse because of your small penis which prevents you to step back?

    Brilliant. Now go out of the class and think about your bad decisions.

  8. It’s posturing – Given how backed against the wall Russia are these days, it’s hardly surprising.

  9. So, this is going to end in a chicken race? During the Vietnam War, there was a lot of diplomatic effort. Now the Ukrainians fear a Trump administration and will try to force a decision before the presidential election.

  10. This is to rile up Fox News viewers… Get them scared (as always) and make sure they vote for Trump (who will fix everything by letting Russia have whatever it wants… appeasement is a time-tested totally safe and guaranteed to not come back to bite you in the ass plan).

    US MAGA only understands fear. Fear of immigrants. Fear of blacks. Fear of LBGTQ+. Fear of world trade. Now, fear of nukes.

    They’ll look for their strong (ha!) man to protect them while they hide under their tables, while posting about how *they’re* the brave ones and the Democrats (and NATO) endeavoring to protect Ukraine are weak.

    Putin’s threats are empty. Pure propaganda. And Fox News and US Right Wing outlets will be all over it.

    Russia is comically weak. That has been exposed. I strongly suspect all their strategic deterrence funding was redirected to Generals’ pockets, leading to capability deterioration across the board. They likely have *some* capability, but whatever they have it’s going to be a suicide play… Which they won’t make.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if, between now and November 5th (more likely 2nd or 3rd week of October) Russia conducted an above-ground nuclear test, in violation of the CTBT. This would be an extraordinary defiance and statement of intent, and *very* likely to make MAGA literally piss their pants in fear. It would be world-wide news that would play every day through the election. If Putin needs to win in order to maintain his own position, power, and safety, then remember this post. And remember that even it happens, it’s propaganda, it’s strategically meaningless, and only occurs to interfere in the US elections.

  11. All he did is demonstrated how much he is afraid of unrestricted usage of western weapons by Ukraine.

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