In another rant, Trump threatens U.S. overseas military with jail

Source: Sjerzgirl54


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  2. I guess someone finally got off Fox News, got their news from somewhere else, saw the polls, the spread and lead shrinking, and are now freaking out….

  3. Like most of this dude’s rants, it reads better in its original 1930s era lower Bavarian dialect.

  4. ranchoparksteve on

    Trump hates the military. He believes that Americans who die for their country are suckers and losers. Trump’s anti America sentiment is a well known fact.

  5. Just think that if he’s re-elected the same angry and divisive rhetoric will magnify x10. Just exhausting hearing about him everyday for the past 8 years.

  6. >“The Democrats are talking about how they’re working so hard to get millions of votes from Americans living overseas. Actually, they are getting ready to CHEAT! They are going to use UOCAVA to get ballots, a program that emails ballots overseas without any citizenship check or verification of identity, whatsoever. (Foreign interference?) Remember they say, we have the ‘most secure elections in history,’ and anyone can get a ballot emailed to them!” he wrote in a Truth Social post.

    The irony. RFK Jr.’s stunt in NC, aided by a Republican state supreme court, means that military personnel stationed at one of the many bases in NC, but currently serving overseas likely will be disenfranchised from voting this year, because ballots had to be reprinted without RFK Jr., and then mailed out to go overseas, even though RFK Jr. had missed the deadline to withdraw. Most of those won’t be able to be returned to NC in time for the election. There is no email voting in NC as Trump seems to imply.

  7. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 74%. (I’m a bot)
    > Trump went after the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act in a Truth Social post on Monday, suggesting that Democrats will use the law to "Cheat." Service members are able to vote while serving overseas through an absentee ballot under the federal law.

    > "They want to dilute the TRUE vote of our beautiful military and their families, who Comrade Kamala has totally disrespected and abandoned. Republicans must act to stop them from stealing our military votes. WATCH! Remember, IF YOU VOTE ILLEGALLY, YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL," he continued.

    > Anyone voting using an absentee ballot overseas must meet the qualifications laid out by UOCAVA. The military members and their families can send their completed ballot back ahead of the election.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694372 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **vote**^#1 **ballot**^#2 **election**^#3 **Trump**^#4 **Absentee**^#5

  8. Hi, veteran who hates Trump here.

    He didn’t say what the headline says he said. He isn’t smart enough to understand what the writers accused him of saying.

    I am seeing a pattern of increased emotionally charged headlines from more liberal-leaning publications.

    We need to remain critical and not allow ourselves to get sucked into information bubbles like what happened to MAGA.

    Remember, there is a massive information warfare operation in this and other western-ideal countries to force us into civil wars.

    Don’t just read headlines. At least scan the article. The writers here really did take some liberties with what he said, and actually made him seem more intelligent than he is in the process.

  9. It looks to me that a week or so after the debate Trump’s campaigning changed from looking to add votes to keeping the MAGA mob in a state of anger. I don’t think he’s really trying to win anymore. It looks to me he is more interested in making sure his supporters see him as a martyr and continue supporting him and not the looser he is and soon will be again.

  10. cookinthescuppers on

    Trump hates anyone he’s envious of. People honourably serving isn’t something he’s capable of.

  11. Endangering the troops? Threatening Springfield? When is it ok to declare this mf a national emergency already

  12. I despise this weak dumb man. I can’t wait until he loses in November and his political power evaporates

  13. Enough of this weird orange motherfucker, already. Who cares what this moron thinks about anything? He and his base of weirdo traitor assholes can all go to hell.

  14. without evidence. !NUFF SAID! Everything he says is without evidence. They are eating the dogs. They are eating the cats. They are eating the Pets of the people that live there. remember this gem? Remember who was going to pay for the wall? Do you remember what he did to his ex-wife’s grave? Don’t worry women of the United States because he is going to protect you! Atrocious and despicable.

  15. hockeynoticehockey on

    According to The Economist military members (and families) tended to lean, only lean, Republican.

    Until 2020. I know retired members of the US military, highly decorated ones who served in the first Iraq war. Have always voted Republican. Until 2020.

    Nothing Trump has said or done, or is saying or doing, is going to get him one single new vote, at least from the military.

    Nice job, big guy.

  16. Hi! Is anyone keeping a scorecard of who he wants to jail and why? Or do we keeps things simple: anyone who does not express undying love for him.

  17. I live “overseas”. My ballot gets mailed to me, and as long as the IRS sees fit to demand my money, even though I don’t live in the US, you can damn well bet that I am going to vote, and I don’t vote for nazis

  18. Military veteran here. This guy is an idiot and a traitor. Send this dirt bag packing on a one way non-stop flight to Moscow.

  19. The unfortunate thing is that he will still probably win the military and veteran vote (though not this veteran). The military and veterans need to remember our oath to Constitution includes defending it against enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Trump is a domestic threat to our democracy and must be defeated at the ballot box so he can go where he belongs for his crimes: prison until he is dead.

  20. He comes from a family of cowards who hasn’t served in the military in 150 years bcuz they hate the military. Junior wanted to join, but was told he would lose his inheritance. He call’s our soldiers sucker’s and losers, but the way I see it he’s the loser.

  21. Random, unrelated announcement, nothing at all to do with the clickbait, unrelated title: suck it, bitch. Come get me….

  22. Therunningman06 on

    I am really tired of seeing every stupid ass thing this guy says. He really hasn’t said a damn thing to try to earn a vote this election cycle.

  23. I think we can all see Trump has a problem with the psychological condition known as mirroring. Everything he does or thinks about he accuses someone else of doing it.
    I think this repeated calls for sending people to jail is just him thinking about his own future.

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