Harris calls Trump’s tariff proposals a ‘sales tax on the American people’

Source: Right-Might664


  1. WhyCantIStopReddit on

    >”You don’t just throw around the idea of just tariffs across the board, and that’s part of the problem with Donald Trump,” Harris said.

    >”I say this in all sincerity, he’s just not very serious about how he thinks about some of these issues,” she continued. “And one must be serious and have a plan, and a real plan that’s not just about some talking point ending in an exclamation at a political rally, but actually putting the thought into what will be the return on the investment, what will be the economic impact on everyday people.”

    Man, I was really nervous when biden dropped out, but kamala has shown she knows exactly how to make Trump look as dumb and inexperienced as he is

  2. The-Protomolecule on

    Buyer pays more, buyer pays tariffs, that’s the only point that must be made. Seller makes the same money.

  3. GlumEngineering9465 on

    It really is. She’s not wrong. Plus, expect targeted trade retaliation from the Chinese. I think her focus on this topic is a smart way to highlight her competence to the folks that say, ‘but, I like Trump’s policies.’

  4. And she’s not wrong, especially if we are talking about a 20% across the board tariff on all imported goods, except for China, which would get a 60% tariff on its exports to the US.

  5. This is old news, she’s been calling it that for a while, including at the debate. However, it’s definitely worth repeating again and again until people get the message.

    The costs of tariffs are passed on to the consumers. Even domestic producers will raise their prices if importers can’t undercut them.

  6. It basically is. The country of origin doesn’t pay it, the US importer initially does and passes on much or all of the additional cost to consumers. The biggest risk for the US as a whole is that foreign nations will respond with protective tariffs of their own on US exports. We don’t want a protectionist tariff spiral.

  7. Finally Democrats are learning messaging— the “Trump tax” and “Trump abortion ban”. They have always needed a Frank “Death Tax” Luntz.

  8. Apprehensive-Care20z on

    The USA cannot impose a tax on China. The USA cannot force china to pay anything.

    The importer pays the tariff. Period.

    The largest importer from China is Walmart (followed by Target).

    Trump is adding a huge increase in tariff on WALMART, not on China. It is the same as adding a 60% sales tax ON WALMART AND TARGET.

    Trump is a combination of being very dumb (i.e. thinking you can inject bleach to cure a virus, or that dropping a nuclear bomb on a hurricane like Helene is great) and just flat out lying about the tariffs.

  9. It’s the same bullshit as his ‘Mexico is going to pay for the wall’ schtick.

    Trump does not understand how anything works. And fortunately for him, his followers take him at his word and not only will not research how tariffs actually work, but will actively resist being educated.

    Tariffs are import taxes on goods. They are paid by companies who import goods into the country. Those goods are then sold at a higher price to make up the cost of that tax. These companies are not simply going to eat the costs to do the American taxpayer a solid and maintain current prices when the cost of doing business with the US goes up. It’s really quite simple to understand. Tariffs are historically used to prop up domestic industries that can’t compete with imported products. They do not, nor were they ever intended to protect consumers.

    The other issue is imposing blanket tariffs will kick off another trade war with China, which also does not benefit us.

  10. Well, sort of.

    We shouldn’t think of tariffs as always bad necessarily. There IS an imbalance on trade and these tariffs do often spawn more consumption of domestic goods, so I don’t see how this is a bad idea.

    This is my problem this election. Both candidates are not being totally honest.

  11. It’s amazing how the same people who scream at the top of their lungs that we can’t raise the minimum wage because it would mean higher prices on consumers can’t seem to grasp the concept that imposing a 20 percent fee on all imported goods will literally mean higher prices for consumers. I know they’re not in their right mind but still..

  12. People don’t know what tariffs are. They only hear Trump saying “China bad! I will tax China! Take that, bad China!” and they believe he can do that.

    Yes, Dems can explain…with the risk of making such people go “goddamn elites ain’t gonna tell *me* I’m dumb!” and driving them further down the Trumphole.

    Maybe Walz should give a little economics lesson on YouTube. He has that “favorite teacher” energy

  13. You’re parroting CNN. Your ideas and opinions are told to you. It could work, you don’t know the outcome. What we’re doing now isn’t working for farmers and blue collar working class. We are close to having a “Let it Rot” youth movement like China.

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