Harris says Trump doesn’t need to be the ‘protector’ of women, he has to trust them to make their own decisions

Source: Thanamite


  1. “I’m here to offer you protection.”

    “From who?”

    “From me.”

    Oldest mob tactic in the book. Not surprised Kamala knows exactly how to address it as a former prosecutor, but it sure is nice to have her leading the charge. The tide is turning.

  2. It’s Conservative 101.

    Use any and all fear tactics they can to scare people into voting for them. Then they turn around and take away all of the rights that were protecting you to begin with.

    People fall for it every time. I’m glad Harris is telling everyone to not be intimidated and letting others make their own minds up.

  3. He uses that language because he thinks women are weak, buxom flowers (except when he has to debate one).

  4. I would rather have Kamala with me in a dark alley than Trump. I would definitely put every dime on Harris in a straight up fist fight with Trump – or against either of his idiot sons, for that matter. Or Damien Kushner.

  5. Unlucky_Huckleberry4 on

    She shouldn’t have told him. Now he knows what to say next time this topic comes up.

    But it will probably come out as *”I may be better at the golf course but when it comes to the financial sector there is this great friend of mine who he once. He was a tremendous person, but then you see them ask who is supposed to hide Hillary Clinton’s email servers. I don’t know. Maybe we should ask China.”*

  6. You know who says garbage like, “I’ll protect you”? Narcissistic shitbags with fascist tendencies. Cheese and rice! We can’t be rid of that blathering blowhard of bullshit soon enough.

  7. It’s a great response

    Tangent: the headline is clear, but the video clip is about tariffs. Cmon CNN! Is it so damn hard to tie clip to the actual headline?

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