Harris Calls Trump ‘One Of The Biggest Losers Ever On Manufacturing’

Source: Silent-Resort-3076


  1. Silent-Resort-3076 on

    >Vice President Kamala Harris called Donald Trump a “loser” who failed to grow domestic manufacturing under his watch in one of her strongest speeches yet against the former president.

    >“All told, almost 200,000 manufacturing jobs were lost during his presidency, starting before the pandemic hit, making Trump one of the biggest losers ever on the economy,” Harris said in remarks Wednesday that channeled Trump’s own hyperbole.

    >Harris painted Trump as an out-of-touch rich guy who’s only looking out for himself and his rich friends.

    >“And as Andrea said,” Harris said, referring to a previous speaker at the event, “not everybody was handed, on a silver platter, $400 million and then filed for bankruptcy six times.”

    >“Oh, I said that,” she interjected. “I actually said that.”

  2. For Trump, that’s like a punch in the balls and then while he’s cowering in pain on the floor, she opened his legs and delivered a blowing kick using her heels.

  3. This whole manufacturing pitch is interesting. We are a services dominated economy (75% ish). While I think there are some strategic moves to make more things within the US, it is certainly inflationary and it is unclear if we even have the amount of workers necessary to support this growth. It is no surprise that companies flock to areas that have a lower cost, a labor force with appropriate skills, and potentially tax incentives from the country/state. We are seeing both candidates trying to get votes without a comprehensive plan. We will see

  4. The whole dog and pony show about what a magnificent business man Trump is based on lies to pimp a product: “The Apprentice.”

  5. aslan_is_on_the_move on

    The manufacturing output of the US has grown to record high levels under Biden and the number of manufacturing jobs is growing. He’s bring factories back to the US and building new industries

  6. She has the timing of a boxer. She jabs with meaningful talking points and then ends the combo with a gut punch that hits him where it hurts.

  7. 2020surrealworld on

    Watched part of her economic speech today.  It was brilliant as usual:  detailed, logical, coherent, inspiring when she mentioned our national history of economic achievements under past presidents.

    I loved it when she called Drumpft a big failure/loser, baiting him like she did during the debate.  She should be doing that in EVERY speech, EVERY day, to trigger his mad twitter rage.

    Drumpf in contrast, incoherently rattled off his tired, old, usual insults and grievances (“she’s an economic wrecking ball!”…”David Muir of ABC was so biased, unfair during that debate!!”).  

    How any sane, rational person can even contemplate remaining undecided or supporting him after comparing these 2 is beyond me.  As are these close polls.  Is the nation really THIS dumbed down??

  8. Goddam, Harris and her campaign are fucking killing it. The Democrats finally learned how to play Trump’s game without sinking to his level.

  9. Wild how Trump has convinced half the country that he is for the average worker and understands them. Trump grew up very cushy and inherited hundreds of millionaires of dollars. He is a very poor businessman with lots of bankruptcies and questionable ethics. He hasn’t gone to church or worked physically hard a day in his life

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