Wisconsin mayor carts away absentee ballot drop box, says he did nothing wrong

Source: 15minsofinfamy


  1. Republican. Pretty easy to guess, but they should start putting that in the headline. I guess they got their click from me, but now I can save others from doing the same.

  2. What he did was illegal and a deliberate attempt to subvert democracy. Statistics show that early voters tend to be Democratic-leaning, and he wanted to suppress their vote. We can’t let that happen.

    Double-check your registration, double-check your dropbox or polling location, and vote blue


  3. From now on, just assume literally anything Republicans say anyone else is doing is something they want to do

  4. So we can take everyone’s guns and store them inside government buildings for safe keeping, and Republicans will be cool with that, right? It’s okay, your guns are still safe! We just took them all for right now and are preventing you from using them.

  5. Get his name, his address, and call him out on his bullshit, all of it! Get vicious with this fucker the same way the people got vicious with the MAGA morons who refused to initially certify Wayne County’s elections in Michigan back in 2020! Anger at these people causes them to back down! Use it!

  6. >The Wisconsin Elections Commission shared in its guidance a reference to Wisconsin Statute 12.60(1)(a), which states that anyone who “by abduction, duress, or any fraudulent device or contrivance, impede(s) or prevent(s) the free exercise of the franchise at an election” could be guilty of a Class I felony. The Commission urged clerks to contact law enforcement if anyone tampers with, defaces, destroys, unlawfully empties, or interrupts, impedes or prevents the use of a drop box.

    His argument is that the drop box was not bolted down, therefor not “installed”… so he moved it inside the building.

    As mayor, however, his duty was to ensure that it got bolted down… not illegally removed.

    He should be arrested and charged, and let a court decide if he was acting under color of office.

  7. When can we enter the 20th century and go to all mail voting nationwide? I live in a state that has been all mail voting for a quarter century. The Republican malarkey around in-person voting is hurting us all.

  8. As a voter in Wisconsin, I’m not taking any changes this year, I’m voting in person on election day.

  9. They aren’t even pretending to not be trying to cheat. This is what worries me the most; I am fairly sure Harris will win the popular vote, probably by a lot, but will the many trump courts, especially the Supreme Court simply wiggle their way into outright stealing the election if she also wins the EC, but by a small margin? It is nightmare fuel.

  10. TheLawTalkinGuy on

    We’re about to see a lot of Republicans complain about election interference while committing election interference.

  11. Asleep-Barnacle-3961 on

    If democracy survives, the GOP doesn’t, and party leaders know it.

    That explains much Republican activity around voting and elections.

  12. The election interference fuckary is only going to get worse if swift charges aren’t brought against idiots like this.

  13. They’re going to keep pushing the envelope on voter suppression and disenfranchisement until people start getting arrested.

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