Trudeau accuses Conservatives of ‘casual homophobic comments’ in question period

Source: MethoxyEthane


  1. Sounds like rightfully calling out questionable comments. Some how this will turn into Trudeau being desperate other than the clearly pathetic comments from adults we are expecting to run the country.

  2. Poilievre set the tone for the conduct of Parliament these days. He has called his opponents whacko, fake, phoney, corrupt, sellout, and more. Yet I’m always amazed that whenever someone like Trudeau or Singh matches Poilievre’s energy, even once, Poilievre’s fans lose their minds.

    Poilievre as Prime Minister is going to create a very toxic era of parliament. Shame.

  3. Honestly, this exchange was good. Whatever else Trudeaus flaws, and there are many, we need more of this.

    Stand up and make them be accountable for their crap.

  4. Let’s hope they do review the tapes and figure out who was saying what, because from the details it sounds yet again like the conservatives are going down the path of being brazen hooligans who don’t even pretend to care about representing people

  5. The actual comment was a crude joke about Trudeau joining Tom Clark in the hand beaten copper soaking bathtub in his newly purchased $9 million official residence in NY, for those interested.

    No mention or accusation of slurs. I don’t, personally, feel that this comment was homophobic or gender/sex/sexuality specific.

    Still childish and tawdry, and unworthy of our House. Then again, that description can be applied to many Members, as well. Such is the state of our politics.

  6. I watched question period today and the comment in question suggested that Prime Minister Trudeau and the Consul General of Canada, Tom Clarke, in NYC shared the hand hammered copper bathtub in the newly purchased official stateside residence. That said, this newly purchased residence is millions less than the one that was sold to purchase it. Just sharing information.

  7. A CPC making cowardly, disgusting comments degrading people for their sexuality is quite a look. I hope they can identify them and throw the book at them. Likely just a censure, but calling this person out and making it known their idea of humour is a good start.

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