Population growth slows for first time since pandemic as federal government clamps down | CBC News

Source: Back2Reality4Good


  1. Long_Doughnut798 on

    It was just announced. I doubt it would be measurable at this point. I think the CBC is carrying the Liberals water again. Lol….

  2. vancouverbobcat on

    It needs to start reversing… I want to be able to afford a home in the place I live as born and raised, that’s not possible with high levels of migration. Sorry not sorry

  3. ghost_n_the_shell on

    The rate of growth is slowing SLIGHTLY.. *but it’s still growing* and the immigration policy of the Liberals is still asinine. To be explicitly clear.

  4. sleep1nghamster on

    “Though the rate of population growth is slowing, it remained higher than in any other second quarter before 2022.”

  5. WorldcupTicketR16 on

    Here’s the buried lede:

    >Statistics Canada said the number of non-permanent residents continues to grow, but the rate of that growth has been slowing since October 2023.

    This like hearing that your cancer continues to grow but hey, at least it’s slowing down.

  6. Honestly, this is kinda wild! It’s like we’ve been hearing about how Canada needs more people, but now they’re putting the brakes on it? I get that we need to manage things better, but it feels like they’re making it harder for new folks to come here. Are we really ready to deal with the impacts of slower growth? Like, what happens to all those jobs and services? Seems like the government needs to balance things better instead of just slapping restrictions on everything! What do you all think?

  7. “slows”

    So it went from growing 1,000,000 a year, to growing 999,000 a year (compared to ~350,000 in 2015).

  8. Beneficial_Life_3617 on

    CBC still desperately trying to be positive for the liberals on this.

    You only have to look at the title to know it’s a CBC propaganda piece.

  9. Good? Many parts of the world are so obviously overpopulated, and this makes life BAD for humans and nature alike.

    Why we are/were so hell bent on importing those problems here and foisting them on ourselves voluntarily is a complete mystery to me.

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