Bloc gives Liberals Oct. 29 deadline to meet demands or face potential early election

Source: Unusual-State1827


  1. BugsyYellowpants on

    If they vote no confidence that day and do the minimum election period, the election will be on December 5th

    If they do the maximum, the election will be on December 19th

    People will be running through the streets like Scrooge, ringing bells, choirs. Christmas miracle

  2. And the NDP will prop up the government because they are doing poorly in the polls. The BQ like the CPC has nothing to lose with an election in fact they will gain seats. The LPC and NDP are the ones who will do poorly.

  3. Looking forward to seeing the look on their faces when the CPC cuts whatever concessions Trudeau gives the Bloc.

  4. Weak-Coffee-8538 on

    Bloc threatening liberals with demanding billions of tax payers money to top up boomer pensions.

    No thanks.

    Election time please.

  5. Suprised the Bloc wants to bring the government down, they are not going to get shit from the CPC and they are handing the CPC a big gift for campaigning if we end up with an election. I thought they were smarter than this.

    I am assuming they might accept lesser concessions and chit chat is underway between the two.

  6. beerandburgers333 on

    My question to LPC supporters – Would you rather see Trudeau govt pandering to NDP or BQ for support?

  7. atticusfinch1973 on

    No way the Liberals cave on that stuff and no way the NDP will vote for an election.

    We are held hostage by two useless parties.

  8. monkeytitsalfrado on

    Just like when Singh said the coalition was over, I’ll believe it when I see them actually vote no confidence. Otherwise, this is all just hot air.

  9. So if they vote for the conservatives it doesn’t make a difference NDP still will vote liberal.
    The only thing if conservatives consider the blocks ideas might help next election for an alliance down the road but I serious doubt it.

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