Harris holds 7-point lead over Trump in national survey

Source: CrotalusHorridus


  1. OppositeDifference on

    Nice. This is about where we want to be as far as national polling if it’s accurate.

    Swing states matter more, (by a lot) but this is another indication that Kamala’s on a really good trajectory for November.

  2. Bored_guy_in_dc on

    Yet the polls yesterday were saying it was a dead heat. Don’t listen to these polls. They are all garbage. Just vote.

  3. I moved out of the US to to care for a parent and one of my errands today is to mail in my ballot.

    Who are these J6 wanna bees who think Trump will be better, what are they smoking, and where can I get it.

  4. ishtar_the_move on

    IPSOS poll in 2020/09/25 had Biden up by 7 points among likely voters. 9 points among registered voters.

  5. From before it even began, this election was Trump’s to lose – and he’s losing it.


  6. David_Writes_Cozies on

    It is amazing how on the same day polls show the election is a tie and polls show VP Harris ahead by 2% and polls show VP ahead by 7% and polls show the fascist is ahead by 1%.

  7. If this was a popular vote situation, I would have zero worries about who was going to win this thing, but our system isn’t based on the popular vote Our electoral system ensures the crazy right has just as much chance of winning even if most Americans don’t want them in office. People in swing states get to determine who wins, and if you are blue, please show up so we can win this damn thing.

  8. WackHeisenBauer on

    National lead means literally nothing due to the electoral college.

    Harris is behind Trump in NC (-0.5); AZ (-1.1); and GA (-1.2) and barely ahead in NV (+0.4) and PA (+1.3).

    Don’t get complacent and go vote

  9. I’d say this is a very conservative number. I look for Harris to put the biggest ass whoopin’ on Trump *”….the likes of which the world has never seen!”*

  10. The part I’m scared about is after the election. After she wins some states will sue for fraud. Will it be for scotus to decide?

  11. Man, I am hoping to learn Election night that yes, the other polls showing a dead heat race were all meant to make people think the race was closer than it really was.

  12. Technical_Joke_5127 on

    A 7 point lead would certainly be nice, but unfortunately the race is probably much closer

  13. 7 points is nice but still can’t figure out how a guy who declared bankruptcy multiple times gets better numbers on the economy?????😳😳

  14. Unfortunately, a 7 point lead doesn’t matter unless she wins the swing states. This whole election will come down to 7 swing states with Pennsylvania being a must win state

  15. relax_live_longer on

    If Harris wins the popular vote by 4 or more, she’s almost certain to win. +2 or +3 is an electoral college toss up. 

  16. Ugh! This is looking like Hillary 2.0
    Don’t get complacent! You can’t just tell em who you’d vote for, you gotta get out, vote, and send trump to both the pages of history and the court rooms!

  17. MyFianceMadeMeJoin on

    7 percent! That’s great! By that margin she’ll only lose the electoral college by a few points.

  18. I’d care about these national surveys/polls if didn’t decide winners by electoral college. We do though so these have no meaning to me.

  19. crapshooter_on_swct on

    I just saw a poll yesterday that said it’s basically even.

    Don’t listen to the polls just VOTE!

  20. External-Example-292 on

    I printed my absentee ballot already, I’m going to send it soon once I buy c4 envelope. Definitely voting all blue 💙

  21. It’s terrible that so many of us Americans are ignorant about how macro-economics work. Even micro-economics. The soothsayers have been saying for years the Fed’s free money program was going to cause inflation, which it did. The pandemic stimulus and supply-chain problems added to that. And on the micro-side the recent jump in the cost of eggs is caused by the bird flu killing chickens. But Vance wouldn’t admit to that.

  22. Yet we have this insanely out of step electoral college system to worry about where only the swing states decide it all.

  23. Looks good, get out and vote with cameras ready for MAGA terrorists to upload to FBI for any funny business.

  24. I don’t care if it is a 7, 17, or *70* point lead.

    None of this matters if people don’t vote.

  25. I want to see double digits nationwide and at least more than the margin of error in swing states before I feel at all comfortable about this country.

  26. ChadworthPuffington on

    recent NYT/Siena College Poll and the Emerson College polls. Those were already showing some good numbers for Trump, with NYT showing him up by 5 points in Arizona, 4 points in Georgia, and 2 in North Carolina. Then Emerson has Trump up in Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, tied in Nevada, with Harris ahead in NC and MI. If that holds, Trump wins. 

    Now there’s [the Quinnipiac poll](https://poll.qu.edu/poll-release?releaseid=3908), a poll that has a devastating result for Harris. It has Trump in the lead in the national vote. 

    [Harris holds 7-point lead over Trump in national survey : r/politics (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1fp3zx1/harris_holds_7point_lead_over_trump_in_national/)

  27. Yes and a NYT/Siena poll Sept 11-16th (A+ pollster) showed the race was tied. It would be great if she was truly up +7, so hopefully that’s the case, but we should not only pay attention to good news polls

  28. Everything is riding on young ladies in this election! Will they show up to vote is the only question.

    Males, forget about it, on average, of course.

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