Alex Jones’ Infowars Will Be Sold for Parts at Auction to Pay Sandy Hook Families

Source: Real-Work-1953


  1. Ban-Circumcision-Now on

    Would be great if a left leaning group picked it up and fought the disinformation from the right with it

  2. Glad to see that you actually do face consequences for calling the worst school shooting in US history a hoax. Took long enough.

  3. ArthichokeCartel on

    Hope someone who wins the IP immediately re-launches the network and makes it look almost identical except it’s really just telling the truth about Republicans

  4. Anyone else remember that video where a sweaty, shirtless Alex Jones is ranting about the homeless while he has chick fil-a biscuits stuck in his armpits? I think his son posted it on Twitter, but it’s been completely scrubbed from the internet.

  5. I just hope that whoever gets the domain names forwards them to something appropriate. Maybe a Nelson “ha-ha!” gif or something.

  6. Instead of selling it off they need to give it all to the families for them to do with as they will. Lots of it will be bought by rich Trumpers looking to rebrand and restart parts of it.

  7. RepulsiveLemon3604 on

    Who the fuck is going to bid on a greasy ass stained office chair that supported his fat ass while he spewed that vitriol?

  8. All Alex had to do was tell the truth, but the truth doesn’t matter to the radicalized right. The truth doesn’t sell to an audience who already rejected truth and logic. 

  9. fReE sPeEcH they cry, while telling Trump he needs to sue all news agencies for raping a woman.

  10. For anyone harboring any amount of sympathy for this piece of crap, just watch The Truth vs. Alex Jones. Just watch how he conducts himself and how he treats these people, and you’ll be left feeling nothing but rage.

    Alex is still getting away with it in my opinion. This is really fucked up.

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