GMLRS striking Russian troops. Donetsk Sept 2024.

Source: Living-Sundae7527


  1. gengen123123123 on

    What a great catch! A bunch of trucks and infantry it looks like, I’d love to know more about how much of that was rendered unusable.

    The mass of trucks at 0:47 reminds me of some of the infamous attempted river crossings RU had earlier in the war.

    At 0:19 is that another non-cluster rocket, or artillery strike of some other type? That wasn’t the casing from the cluster that went off to the right of the screen starting at 0:16 was it?

    In the last video like this from this group we had RU posters claiming it was footage from a videogame. Queue those posters again in 5…4…..

  2. Ill_Attempt4952 on

    Thanks for parking so close together!! Russian convoys and HIMARS are a match made in heaven lol

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