The immigrants most valuable to the Canadian economy are now the most likely to leave

Source: scottb84


  1. That’s what happens when you massively drive up cost of living with low skilled immigration designed to prop up GDP and property prices while stagnanting wages.

  2. Jaded_Promotion8806 on

    Is it just me or is that not extremely obvious? From like a fundamental economics 101 standpoint.

    Unless there’s some major skills mismatch across countries of course the smartest people are going to be the hardest to retain.

  3. Remarkable-Ad3431 on

    I wont assume how valuable I am to the Canadian economy but I think I’ve successfully integrated to my local community and Canada in general. High tax bracket. High Income tech sector. Never took a dime in government support. Homeowner.

    But a recent run in with the Canadian healthcare system got me thinking that maybe it’s time to move to the US or elsewhere, where someone in my position won’t have a problem accessing healthcare especially with how much in taxes I’m paying for it here. I also make more money now than when I got here (or anytime in my life for that matter) but I feel poorer now compared to back when I was in a developing country. I feel like the proverbial juice isn’t worth the squeeze anymore.

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