2 Canadians killed in Lebanon, Global Affairs Canada confirms amid Israel-Hezbollah conflict

Source: adiosToreador


  1. robotsmakinglove on

    Upsetting, but Canada has advised against travelling to Lebanon since (at least) June. The government urged people to return home. At some point it is on you.

  2. We would have fewer Canadian casualties if they would just stop travelling to the shittiest places in the world.

  3. ChaosBerserker666 on

    And why are Canadians going to Lebanon right now? Stay at home in Canada, stop going to dangerous places, especially with travel warnings issued for months. WTF.

  4. Half-Selection2109 on

    Can all the middle easterners just leave their bullshit in the Middle East. Everytime I come to one of these posts as a Canadian it’s people with Canadian citizenship from these regions going back and forth. I can empathize with people from this region but as a Canadian I don’t give a damn about Israel Lebanon or Palestine. I feel sorry for all of the innocents involved but I don’t care about these places. Just Canada

  5. GreeneyedAlbertan on

    Well, they had months of advisories to come home. It’s terrible that innocent (we presume) people get caught up in wars, but it’s the way it had been since the dawn of time.

    Don’t start a Jihad on a superior enemy, thinking your Iranian master are going to come save you when poking the bear backfires.

  6. “2 Canadians killed in Lebanon by the Israel Defense Forces”. Thanks CTV
    Also Global Affairs Canada, thank you for confirming that Canada’s not going to request for an investigation of any sort from Israel’s genocidal government

  7. letmehityourJuuLbro on

    “2 Canadians of convenience killed in Lebanon” because they abused Canada’s evacuation efforts in 2006 which is why we won’t do it again.

    If Canada behaved like the US and taxes non-resident Canadian citizens then I would support evacuating “Canadians of convenience” in Lebanon. Send in JTF2 if you have to and evacuate them because they would still pay taxes to Canada even if they live abroad.

    But No taxation = No evacuation.
    Not a difficult concept is it?

  8. Interesting how Canadians here try to justify the deaths of innocent Canadians.

    You don’t need to be on a side to denounce the death of innocent people.

  9. Absolutely sickening to see yall cheering about this and blaming them for their murder. They were killed on the road after evacuating the zone that the Israeli army told them to evacuate. But not surprised considering this sub is overrun by idiots that form their opinions based on right wing propaganda and deem arab lives less important. Same idiots that would cry when the government tells them to take a vaccine or see students protesting

  10. These people never learn, they come to Canada for the benefits, and go back home and collect the cheque. Then when shit pops off expect a tax payer funded flight home.

    Lebanese who are Canadians when it’s convenient are a huge burden on the Canadian tax payers lol

  11. A few points to consider.
    1. Are they dual nationals? If so they are actually already in their country.
    2. Canada has warned Canadians to leave. I assume most tourists have left. The ones remaining are likely dual nationals that spend most, if not all, of their time in Lebanon.
    3. Canada has stated that they have no legal obligation to evacuate citizens. This was upheld by the courts. That’s all citizens, so I imagine dual nationals can’t expect more.
    4. Israel has made it pretty clear what their intentions are.

    Any Canadian that actually lives in Canada or has more significant ties to Canada could have or should have left a week ago if not more. They didn’t cause they don’t.

  12. lots of “Canadians” participating in killing Lebanese and Palestinian people right now, I hope when they come home we can prosecute them.

  13. Canadians by passport only. Apparently the grass was greener in the place than by Hezbollah, even though we have been telling Canadians not to go there.

  14. Kinky_Imagination on

    I wonder if the Canadian government will be doing another mass repatriation again like last time for citizens of convenience. Dual citizenship shouldn’t even be allowed anywhere.

  15. Far_Rabbit_7093 on

    how are they Canadians if they pay taxes in Lebanon? correction needed

    Canadian journalism is trash

  16. So not a single condemnation of Isreal from anyone for literally killing Canadian, among 600 civilians of Lebanon, got it.

    And before anyone accuses me of being pro-hizbollah: I condemn Hizbollah.

  17. Hezbollah has been shooting rockets into Israel for weeks so of course Israel is going to retaliate harshly. Canada has been warning people not to visit Lebanon so they should have listened.

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