Woman beaten to death by boyfriend may have been saved if 911 call properly labelled, judge hears | CBC News

Source: AustralisBorealis64


  1. Hard to defend the system here. The neighbour reported he feared she was “going to be murdered” and heard screaming, but somehow this wasn’t relayed to the cops who showed up to investigate. If it had been they would have been entitled to kick down that door (and they might have). They may have just shrugged anyway and thought the neighbour was being melodramatic. But I guess we’ll never know.

    Here in Toronto when you call 9-1-1 after the initial screening when they’ve decided to dispatch, they can get the responding party on the call and continue to ask the initial caller questions, so the officer or paramedic who will be showing up is hearing the complaint as it comes in. When I called for a non-responsive person the paramedic cut in and started giving me instructions while I could see him running up the drive.

    As an IT/communications type I both sympathize and sort of despair with the challenges of 9-1-1. That domain is very much one of: accurate, reliable, fast. Pick two.

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