Donald Trump and Bernie Moreno rage at “crazy” female voters who refuse to fall in line: MAGA candidates can’t hide their irritation that women are allowed to think for themselves

Source: zsreport


  1. MAGA, just remember the signs of being in a cult:

    Absolute authoritarianism without accountability

    Zero tolerance for criticism or questions

    Lack of meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget

    Unreasonable fears about the outside world that often involve evil conspiracies and persecutions

    A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave

    Abuse of members

    Records, books, articles, or programs documenting the abuses of the leader or group

    Followers feeling they are never able to be “good enough”

    A belief that the leader is right at all times

    A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or giving validation

  2. incoherentcoherency on

    Trump can’t wait to take America back to the days when women couldn’t vote and needed a man’s permission for financial services.

  3. Why can’t they all just be like Melania. Keep their mouths shut and just be thankful they aren’t getting raped.

  4. How do grown women not realize that the GOP as a whole views them as second class? It’s baffling.

  5. ElectronicMechanic51 on

    They’re afraid of women. They always have been. Fuckers are afraid of literally everything. It must suck to live your life in constant, non-stop fear.

  6. Apprehensive-Mouse53 on

    The only thing missing from the Trump Campaign is an endorsement by Jared Fogle to have all the wacko sexual predators on board…

    Jared and Mark Robinson can watch porn with Trump and talk policies about women’s, LGBTQ+ and child welfare and age of consent.

  7. Remember that JD Vance is on record as saying he wants women to stay in violent, abusive marriages.

  8. HealthyReception7858 on

    Women are smarter than these idiots that’s what pisses them off and I’m a dude … fuck these morons prove their ignorance every day …

  9. ImplementDry6632 on

    I’m post-menopausal but I have a 19 year old daughter and I care her reproductive freedom and healthcare. Moreno also has an adult daughter, but I guess he doesn’t care about her.

  10. C’mon we only took away one right. And we’re working on getting gun vending machines in schools to increase freedom.

  11. Yup. We’re all crazy…crazy about protecting democracy and getting these autocratic nut jobs the fuck away from our families. Call me Psycho.

  12. It’s almost as if decades of telling women they’re worthless baby-makers on legs can backfire on you.

    This is why they want to gut education, they don’t want women to know they have other options

  13. Glittering-Wonder-27 on

    So we got us a rapist, felon and complete fool trying to help us. We don’t need your control and oppression old men.

  14. Unfortunately, I think Moreno beats Brown. It seems like his ads are running 5 to 1 (at least in Cincinnati)

  15. The Grand OLD Party is still pissed about the 19th amendment. If women are in jail or dead they can’t vote .

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