MPs set to vote on Conservative motion to topple Trudeau

Source: xc2215x


  1. The bloc is going to milk us to death until the next election by working back door deals with the liberals to keep them in power. .
    I hope I’m wrong about this.

  2. ghost_n_the_shell on

    The bloc and NDP have already said they won’t support this.

    This isn’t even really news because they have already announced the results before hand.

  3. atticusfinch1973 on

    What a wonderful government. Even if people clearly want change, they don’t care. The system needs to be changed so that people like the Liberals can’t simply hang on to power because of another party’s selfish interests. The BQ doesn’t give a rats ass about the rest of Canada.

  4. Ah, another non-confidence vote where Jagmeet Singh comes to Trudeau’s rescue like some kind of political sidekick who claims to hate the superhero, but just can’t quit him. In the end, the NDP and Bloc will prop Trudeau up again, but let’s be real, he’s running out of lifelines, and Canadians are starting to see through the charade. Maybe the next vote won’t be so forgiving.

  5. prob_wont_reply_2u on

    It would be hilarious if some of the Liberal backbenchers, especially those in ridings that are close to being lost, vote no confidence.

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