Trump vows to ‘get America out’ of Ukraine war, blames Biden for conflict

Source: newlooksales


  1. He never says how he will do that.

    If he was as strong as he thinks he is he would say he would force Putin to withdraw.

  2. Trump could make 10 vows before his breakfast and have forgotten all of them before midday. his vows have about as much importance as someone’s farts.

  3. Who said we want out of it? I want putin gone and Ukraine restored. Something trump, who is putin’s little puppet, will never accomplish.

  4. Not_A_Bot_Ur_J_Mad on

    Isolationism is great and all until a major geopolitical event happens that inevitably comes knocking on your door once it escalates far enough. At that point it’s too late because it costs lives and resources that could have otherwise possibly been spared with a proactive approach.

    WWII was a good example of why it’s not a good idea to wait until someone makes it our problem. Best to nip it in the bud now before the shit flower blooms into a shit bouquet.

  5. alteredreality4451 on

    Well, to be honest he probably has promised Putin he would do so. Next he’ll likely pull out of NATO creating a true cluster fuck in Europe, at least that’s what my European friends are thinking.

    He is confirming through his actions that he’s for sale to the highest bidder every day.

  6. Trump also claimed he would get the US out of Afghanistan and make a much better nuclear deal with Iran.. we all know how that went….

  7. At least the mere thread of trump again motivates Europe to get their shit together and build proper military for selfdefense again. As a European I see this as a plus in the long run.

  8. This is just getting the Republicans lined up to stop all funding before election and holding country hostage.

  9. It seems to be forgotten that Zelenskyy had a key roll in Trump’s first impeachment. Trump was trying to extort Zelenskyy, where Ukraine would get weapons Congress already approved in return for fake information regarding Biden family business involvement in Ukraine.

    Trump has no loyalty to Ukraine or NATO, and all loyalty to Putin. He’d do everything in his power to give Putin a quick victory at the cost of ripping apart NATO.

  10. Corrction: PUTIN (via an orange faced lacky) vows to ‘get America out’ of ‘special military operation’

  11. When Trump was still in office in 2020, the CIA already knew that Russia was going to invade Ukraine and… Trump did NOTHING.
    He was a liar then.
    He is is a liar now.
    There was no way that could have prevented Russians invading Ukraine.

  12. Just so folks are tracking … this war started in 2014. The large-scale invasion 2 years ago, isn’t that only conflict there.

    Remember the whole quid pro quo? Subsequent impeachment? To refresh everyone’s memory, that was about weapons support to Ukraine against Russian agression.

    Come on America, don’t be victims of this guy’s rhetoric and falsehoods anymore.

  13. RoastyMcRoasterson on

    I can’t believe this guy is even allowed to run for President when he has been compromised by the Russians… my god.

  14. Sweet_Concept2211 on

    Surrendering to dictators and terrorists is Trump’s signature move on the international stage.

  15. Trump was impeached for trying to influence US elections by withholding funds for Ukrainian defense.

    He only serves himself, and by extension, pootins interests

  16. Trump also VOWED… to be faithful to his current wife Melania. What happened with that ‘vow’.
    Speaking about Melania… Trump was introduced to her by Jeffrey Epstein with whom he was “terrific” buddies for 15 years. What was Melania doing with Jeffrey Epstein?

  17. In what universe does the GOP think that Russia winning this war is good for European and hence American security?

    (How far back in time does one have to go to see Republicans as the party with a platform plank of “Russia as the Enemy”?)

  18. The political friendship merry go round could get very interesting. Iran is a very interesting interloper in this bromance. Putin has a new BFF in Iran and is certainly getting assistance in return for weapons technology. There are reports that Russia has supplied Iran with missile systems that are likely to end up in Houthi hands.

    How Trump is going to sell suddenly being pals with Iran I really don’t know. I can’t see Putin dropping them as they are a far more reliable partner than Trump.

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