Rising number of Canadians support major health care reform, survey finds

Source: 1baby2cats


  1. PantiesPassionate on

    Absolutely! It’s kind of a mixed bag. People want more options but don’t want to lose the public system’s core values. Definitely a tough line to walk!

  2. sure, if by reform you mean returning funding to its peak per-capita rate (which was in the 1970s), then i’m all for it

  3. Our healthcare system is designed to fail. Having 2 different levels of government involved allows both sides to pass the blame while adding more layers of complexity to drain financial resources.

    It either needs to be a fully federal responsibility or a fully provincial responsibility.

    If it goes federal, the tax system stays the same and we know who to point the finger at when the quality suffers.

    If it goes provincial, the percentage of tax currently collected by the Fed’s stays in the province and if the quality suffers we know who to point the finger at.

    The multiple unnecessary levels of bureaucracy is failing us. It’s like everything in both the public and private sectors, 3 managers for every 2 people doing the work. We spend over 12% of our GDP on healthcare in this country but somehow there is never enough to pay nurses and doctors more. Trim the fucking fat and pay the people we actually need.

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