Trump praises Russia’s military record in argument to stop funding Ukraine’s fight

Source: SendStoreMeloner


  1. SendStoreMeloner on

    >As somebody told me the other day, they beat Hitler, they beat Napoleon. That’s what they do. They fight. And it’s not pleasant.”

    He’s such a moron. All his knowledge is always from whoever he just spoke to and made an impression on him.

    He has no clue about those wars or that a lot of ethnic Ukrainians fought for Imperial and Soviet Russia in both.

  2. Fuck me I am old enough to remember the Republicans were against Russia invading  countries. 

    Reagan would have had the trains running 24/7 delivering supplies to Ukraine 

  3. >“Biden says, ‘We will not leave until we win,’” Trump said, lowering his voice to mimic the Democratic president. “What happens if they win?

    He’s basically saying America can’t help Ukraine win this which means he thinks Russia is more powerful than America. Great American president right here.

  4. “Beat” Napoleon? Seriously? BEAT? In a battle?
    “They” beat Hitler? THEY? Seriously? They on their own, without any assistance, Lend-Lease, allies armies, several fronts, and without ruthless use of the manpower of millions of peoples imprisoned in a prison of nations soviet union at that time? Is this supposed to be a stupid joke..

  5. slughornsdelight on

    I’m starting to think Trump might not be that au fait with geo politics. Maybe y’ll shouldn’t vote for him. Stand strong 🇺🇦

  6. Putin’s traitorous puppet. He absolutely can’t be allowed back into the office of Commander in Chief of this country’s military

  7. Napoleon didn’t lose to “only Russia” he lost to a large alliance that included Russia, same with Hitler, he lost to Allies, that included a bunch of nations.

  8. I’m just gonna call it but even if he wins the election, I really don’t think we are going to ever see a second term by him, not if the United States are serious about remaining a global power.

  9. Allowing the fall of Ukraine will be like allowing the fall of Czechoslovakia in 1938. From 1939 to 1945, one estimate showed that 15 to 20 million people died in Western Europe. So much for peace in their time.

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