It’s time has come..

Source: tfffvdfgg


  1. polski_criminalista on

    Labor is doing everything I predicted, God I love this party. 10 years of this and we’d become an inverse of what the Liberals attempted

  2. Angus Taylor saying it’s a betrayal to home owners. Yes, people who own MULTIPLE homes. My heart bleeds.

  3. I kinda feel bad for Labor, they actually are making big reforms.

    But the issue is that they’re terrified of them being leaked to the press early. Because leaking means that both, the press has time to rip it to shreds, and if for whatever reason the goverment dosen’t decide to go through with it, they get ripped to shreds for “backflipping”.

    However, this means that Labor spends the entire term denying that they’re going to implement any large-scale reforms, which gets them lambasted as “Liberal-lite” and “Party without a plan”. And yet when they *do* implement reforms they get very little credit, as the Greens Libs etc all jump on to claim that “They were the ones who pushed Labor”.

  4. Chalmers will be so angry now with the RBA and especially Bullock. She is not buying his inflation spin figures and giving him what he is asking her for , the rate cut that he thinks might save his job. His proxies will be out again attacking her.

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