Poilievre says no to ‘radical’ pharmacare plan during House of Commons debate

Source: MusclyArmPaperboy


  1. Having all of your bones covered by our universal healthcare is *radical*?

    I don’t know Pierre, to me it seems like *common sense*.

  2. Angry_beaver_1867 on

    What’s interesting about both dental and pharmacie is they are two tier programs. 

    You can be on the federal program if you qualify or you can be on private insurance. 

    I wonder why they are moving away from the single payer with bans on private insurance model 

  3. Poilvres whole schtick is kill the carbon tax, kill the CBC, and now kill these public health programs.

    While talking about nothing that would actually help Canadians. 

    But Axe the tax bro!!!!!!!

  4. IDU is against healthcare, Polievre works for the IDU, not a shocking that he wants to get rid of pharmacare, and with enough provinces and the federal government all under the thumb of the IDU the rest of healthcare will fall as well and we will truly be a third world country with no redeeming qualities.

  5. From my position as a lifelong blue collar worker with benefits I pay for every two weeks, it makes sense either to have 100% private or 100% public. Otherwise I’m paying for the pharma/benefits with my cheques AND paying for gov program which isn’t “full-bulk” purchasing. I feel like this is simple economics.

  6. no_names_left_here on

    fuck this tool with a cactus. This is another conservative lie meant to spread more fud. There’s nothing in pharmacare that says you can’t have private insurance.

  7. Original-Cow-2984 on

    If you implement these new programs, find the money by increasing revenues, reducing spending elsewhere, or both. No new spending without a valid and concise funding plan that doesnt involve additional debt. A clear move toward valid funding models for *existing* spending that doesn’t involve additional debt. This should be a legislated requirement.

    Consolidate to core programming, whatever that may be. Put an end to inventing new programs to half-ass for cheap points and further kneecap spending by treading water on always increasing debt interest payment.

  8. So he doesnt want to expand healthcare because it will hurt insurance companies? So what is he actually promising? Ive just gone a big search to see if I can find anything that will benefit the majority and all I find is lies.

    Like he is [anti-union](https://afl.org/blog-pierre-poilievres-union-policy-will-pulverize-paycheques/), he [wont raise the military budget](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-dumpster-fire-economy-nato-1.7261981) after screaming about it, [wont give an answer about trans and gay rights](https://ici.radio-canada.ca/rci/en/news/2047595/pierre-poilievre-tries-to-walk-a-fine-line-on-transgender-rights-and-blames-trudeau), one of his top advisors is [lawblaws lobbiest](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/industry-news/article-trudeau-raises-questions-about-poilievre-advisors-links-to-grocery/), wants to shut down the safe injection sites, refuses to talk education.

    Like what is he friggin promising?

  9. Reasonable-MessRedux on

    We have provincial plans for pharmaceuticals. Now Trudeau is creating a parallel bureauracy. He is an idiot.

  10. I mean the thought of this sounds great right, free meds for everyone? But we the taxpayer and more so people making a decent income, would have to pay for this correct? And kind of like the new dental program, it only helps those under a certain income threshold no? So it would just increase our already crazy % we have to pay in taxes.

  11. I think people have forgotten Harper killed the first version of the childcare program when they came into office despite the first and second years of the 5 year program being paid for as it just got rolling under the previous minority liberal government of the time. I suspect we will see more cuts to anything that tries to improve people’s lives as good fiscal short term governance.

  12. HowieFeltersnitz on

    “Everything I don’t like is radical!!!”

    Every single country that provides universal healthcare also provides universal pharma care. Every single one…except Canada.

    Just a shortlist of countries Pierre believes have “radical left pharmacare”

    * Austria
    * Belarus,
    * Croatia,
    * Czech Republic
    * Denmark
    * Finland
    * France
    * Germany
    * Greece
    * Iceland
    * Italy
    * Latvia
    * Lithuania
    * Luxembourg
    * Macedonia
    * Malta
    * Moldova
    * Norway
    * Poland
    * Portugal,
    * Romania
    * Russia
    * Serbia
    * Slovenia
    * Spain
    * Sweden
    * Switzerland
    * Ukraine

  13. According to conservatives, you having having access to the drugs you need to live healthy is a “radical” thing to do. You know what’s not radical? Restricting abortion. Denying climate science. Suppressing labour rights. Profiteering landlords. Corporate tax cuts.

    He’d rather protect the profit margins of insurance companies than the health of Canadians.

  14. PP has whatever Cadillac private benefits federal workers get, which I do not begrudge them, but it would make sense he is not in favor of the great unwashed getting better benefits. He might want to be PM but he does not actually like Canadians.

    I guess he also does not give a shit about people without drug coverage through their employer and what a fucking liar how does phasing in a pharmacare plan ” force” anybody to give up private benefits?

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