Don’t scoff at the Hitler comparisons. Trump’s rhetoric is that bad.

Source: newzee1


  1. In just the last few weeks he’s said that if he loses the election the Jews are to blame, and that his mass deportation program will issue serial numbers to the deportees.

  2. And he is neck and neck with Harris in the election?. That tells you all you need to know about a lot of Americans. Disgusting.

  3. wanting to be a dictator on day one, wanting to jail people for speaking against the supreme court (literally why the 1st amendment exists), and the efficiency office he wants to create for Elon Musk kinda sounds like he’s hoping Elon should operate like the Nazi party’s Hermann Göring – Trump is a convicted criminal, a liar, a cheater, he is repulsive and if he were to gain the power of the POTUS, especially now with everything SCOTUS has recently enabled, he’d burn American democracy into the ground.

  4. Delicious-Day-3614 on

    Even Godwin admitted not all comparisons to Nazis are invalid, and when your rhetoric mirrors Nazi rhetoric, that’s just the truth.

  5. suburban_paradise on

    You’re only allowed to compare him to Hitler after he starts a huge war and puts millions in death camps, I guess.

  6. I’m so tired of the media and others treating “don’t call me a Nazi it’s mean!” as a legitimate defense when they are literally acting like a Nazi.


    The fascism point that a lot of people miss… it’s not about Trump. Yes, when he says something fascistic it’s bad, but what is worse is how his supporters react.

    Those are the people we are going to have to deal with for another 20-30 years at least after Trump is gone.

  8. He resembles Hitler in more than just rhetoric. Adolf was also considered a charismatic buffoon. He was ridiculed and underestimated until he seized power. His administration was also a chaotic circus. He was also extremely lazy and uninterested in the minutae of governing.

    I think Nazis have been built up to be such iconic villains, almost an unimaginable evil, that we assume they were all these criminal masterminds. So when we see the clown show that is Trump in real time, we cannot reconcile it with his historical precedent. We fear the “smarter Trump” lurking under democracy’s bed, instead of the real danger at the door.

    It’s almost like our egos won’t allow the possibility that this massive dumb ass will be our downfall. It’s a massive blind spot.

  9. the rhetoric was that bad ten years ago, Republicans have no excuse, they knew and went all in on fascism

  10. Likestopaintminis on

    After “poisoning the blood” and “im a black nazi” and “give them serial numbers” can we finally call these assholes what they are? 


    The thing people need to understand is no one is comparing him to 1944 Hitler or even 1939 Hitler, but earlier.

    If you went back in time to try and stop Hitler you wouldn’t wait until the Holocaust was in full swing, or after he already fully consolidated power. You’d want to get him as early as possible.

  12. Time Ghost, which recently concluded a week by week review of World War 2 spanning several years, just went back and started a month by month review of German political newspapers starting at the crash of Wall Street and Hitler’s entry into the party.

    It’s eye-opening hearing the rhetoric from the Nazi party as well as Social Democrats, German Communists, and others regarding the current events of the time.

  13. Global_Permission749 on

    Trump’s rhetoric is that bad, and so is Project 2025 – the playbook created to help him be a dictator on day 1.

  14. Project 2025 is a fascist manifesto published by American Nazis for MAGA. The Nazi Justices in SCOTUS are ready and waiting to bring it to life.

  15. Now that he is talking about deporting LEGAL immigrants…yeah we are starting to get into Hitler territory

  16. As someone who has studied the propaganda of the 2nd world war this is the only time I have felt that using Hitler as a comparison is valid. It is scary how much Trump follows his playbook

  17. LibrarianNo6865 on

    People have already matched up moments to the rise of Nazism in Germany. It’s obvious. He thinks it’s a good game plan for control and is following it. He just didn’t recognize we all didn’t fail history and remember that.

  18. Most people have not read Mein Kampf and are not familiar with anything Hitler ever wrote or said. It’s shocking how familiar the rhetoric is.

  19. I’ve been reading a lot of books about what “normal” Germans were doing during the rise of Nazis. (This is unrelated to Trump; I just have been very interested in German history after visiting Germany for the first time this year.)

    It’s terrifying how similar it is to what’s been happening in the US since 2016.

    It’s also been really frustrating trying to communicate this to others, because they think it’s all fear-mongering. They don’t take it seriously because it’s Trump.

    But Nazis also weren’t taken seriously. Until it was too late.

  20. hasordealsw1thclams on

    The people who scoff are either disingenuous or stupidly think that Hitler just came out of the gates genociding people.

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