Trump ignores the First Amendment and says those who criticize the Supreme Court should be tossed in jail

Source: z8675309z


  1. I’m too lazy to search, but I’m assuming he’s publicly criticized the Supreme Court on camera.  

  2. Sea_Window_5821 on

    He says that because they are on his side. They adore him. But if they didn’t adore him, they would be on his hit list for name calling, saying they don’t belong on the s.c. But no, they worship him so they can do no wrong in stumps eyes

  3. I’ve already figured that I’m likely going to have to try and either flee the country or hide somewhere [if Trump wins]. I’ve been so staunchly anti-Trump in my online presence over the last decade that, I’d be surprised if it doesn’t happen eventually if he wins. All the advertising firms collecting our data will be the first to sell us all out for our “sedition.”

    No reason to stop now. If you’ve ever criticized the Republican party in the last decade. Expect to be investigated for it if Trump and his goons seize control of the government.

    I hope everyone has a plan to vote and get others to vote in November. I hope everyone has a plan to protest the next coup when it happens, Even if it’s a blowout he’s going to try and take control. Our collective freedom truly depends on it.

  4. ConstantIntention969 on

    Hmm…[what has he said about the court in the past](

    “”Why would anybody be surprised that the Supreme Court has ruled against me, they always do!” Trump wrote in a post on his Truth Social account. “The Supreme Court has lost its honor, prestige, and standing, & has become nothing more than a political body, with our Country paying the price.”

    “Shame on them!” he wrote.”

    So…off to jail, I guess?

  5. Pretty rich coming from the guy who can’t even stop himself from being held in contempt over comments about judges and juries in his own trials.

  6. Says the man who attacks every judge who issues a ruling against him. The only judges he says nice things about are his Federalist Society allies like Cannon and Thomas. This is a view of how Trump will handle ANY dissent if re-elected. He wants to start imprisoning anyone who speaks out against HIM. It’s not about SCOTUS, it’s about people disagreeing with him when they disagree with the SCOTUS ruling.

    Also, how can he in the same sentence claim that everyone agreed with the court’s decision to overturn Roe while talking about people criticizing the Justices for said decision? Clearly the critics did NOT agree with that outcome.

  7. Trump not only criticizes Judges but also attacks them and family members. Let’s start with him.

  8. And if it were democrat appointed judges he would say the same thing. Sorry I mean he would say the court is rigged against him.

  9. I hereby criticize the Supreme Court of the United States. Come at me, you orange sack of shit. 

  10. “suggested it should be “illegal” to rebuke judicial decisions or try and advocate in favor of a certain decision.”

    Um, he realizes this includes his rebukes of the judges over his cases, right?

  11. The first time the Supreme Court makes one tiny judgment against him we will remember this when he goes all cats and dogs on them

  12. itsgottaberealnow on

    Here’s a bullet point list of notable instances when Donald Trump made disparaging comments about Supreme Court decisions or justices:

    – **Travel Ban Rulings (2017)**: Trump criticized the Supreme Court’s decisions regarding his travel ban, expressing frustration that lower courts had blocked it and labeling the justices as “political.”

    – **DACA Ruling (2020)**: After the Supreme Court blocked his attempt to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Trump called the ruling “very dangerous” and suggested that the justices were biased.

    – **Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death (2020)**: Following Justice Ginsburg’s death, Trump criticized her judicial philosophy, referring to her as a “terrible judge” and expressing relief that her passing could allow him to appoint a more conservative justice.

    – **Voting Rights and Election Rulings**: Trump has consistently criticized various Supreme Court decisions related to voting rights and election laws, claiming they have favored Democrats and undermined election integrity.

    – **General Critique of Justices**: Throughout his presidency, Trump often labeled certain justices as “liberal” or “activist,” specifically targeting justices he perceived as not aligning with his agenda.

    – **Post-2020 Election Claims**: After the 2020 election, Trump disparaged the Supreme Court for rejecting several cases challenging the election results, stating they “didn’t have the courage” to take up the cases.

    – **Comments on Chief Justice John Roberts**: Trump publicly criticized Chief Justice Roberts, suggesting he was a “disappointment” for not siding with conservatives on key rulings.

    These instances illustrate Trump’s frequent and sometimes harsh criticism of the Supreme Court and its decisions during and after his presidency.

  13. Let traitor trump go first…being the “leader” of these fascist moron’s….. hope, after he gets his “just rewards”, they go after the few in the SC

  14. This also the guy that said it was unpatriotic to criticize the President. No dumbass, that’s one of the most patriotic things you can do.

  15. Oh yea?

    Fuck Clarence. His momma called him Clarence, so Ima call him Clarence.

    And fuck Alito too. What’s his first name, bitc…oh sorry, I meant Tommy. Right?

    Anywhoo. Come and get it.

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