Russia proposes law that punishes ‘insulting officials’ with prison term

Source: shellfishb


  1. Since when does a dictatorship need to have a law, instead of just throwing those they don’t like in jail?

  2. Trump’s suggested that it should be illegal to criticize the justices of the supreme court recently too. Funny how their thoughts align.

  3. Madmen, Trump and Putin – hell, let’s ad Leon also – with the emotional maturity of toddlers. Someone needs take their toys away, shove a binky in their mouths and make them go to bed.

  4. Russia is a beacon of freedom and democracy, only says Putin…….. the Russian people need to grow a pair and get rid of their dictator.

  5. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 59%. (I’m a bot)
    > A State Duma committee has proposed a bill punishing individuals who "Publicly insult government officials" with prison terms of up to two years be introduced to Russia's lower house of parliament, state news agency TASS reported on Tuesday.

    > The bill, authored by Vasily Piskaryov, who chairs the State Duma Committee on Security and Corruption Control, would amend the existing article of the Russian Criminal Code on insulting government officials, doubling the maximum fine for individuals from 40,000 to 80,000 rubles.

    > The bill hasn't been introduced to the State Duma yet, but it has received the backing of the Russian government following a review, state news agency RIA Novosti reported.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694260 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **insult**^#1 **official**^#2 **State**^#3 **government**^#4 **introduce**^#5

  6. You know the Russian constitution guarantees free speech and the right to address grievances to the government? What a joke.

    Anyone who so much as says they don’t like war is hauled off to prison for committing the crime of “discrediting the Russian army.”

    Soon anyone who says, “I disagree with the decisions this person made as part of his government job” can be imprisoned. As if they aren’t already.

    Hey Russian trolls! Do you understand the kind of country you live in? Why are you working for them?

  7. Goat_Status_5000 on

    Cant even handle criticism. These dictators and tyrants have soft feelings. They rule by fear instead of wth respect. They are like little children.

  8. Another_Yourself00 on

    We need to start a US based troll army. Can we just flood the entire internet with AI generated pics of Putin doing gay stuff. It would be a trolling for the history books

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