Arrests made over unauthorised use of suicide capsule in Switzerland

Source: BezugssystemCH1903


  1. BezugssystemCH1903 on


    >__Swiss police have arrested several individuals over the use of the Sarco capsule for committing assisted suicide in a forest hut.__

    >The controversial Sarco assisted suicide capsule was used for the first time in a forest hut in Merishausen in canton Schaffhausen that borders Germany. One person took his own life and the Schaffhausen police have arrested several individuals.

    >The public prosecutor’s office of the canton of Schaffhausen has opened criminal proceedings against these suspects for incitement and assistance to suicide, the cantonal police said on Tuesday. On Monday, a lawyer informed the prosecutor that the Sarco capsule had been used in a forest hut in the municipality of Merishausen.

    >Police officers dispatched to the scene seized the capsule. The body of the deceased was taken to the Forensic Institute in Zurich for an autopsy.

    >This summer, the public prosecutors’ offices of several cantons, including Schaffhausen, announced that they would initiate criminal proceedings if the capsule were used on their territory.

    >__Incompatible with Swiss law__

    >The Sarco suicide capsule – that claims to provide assisted suicide at the touch of a button – does not comply with the law, Health Minister Elisabeth Baume-Schneider told the House of Representatives on Monday.

    >Firstly, the capsule does not meet the requirements of product safety legislation and cannot therefore be placed on the market, the minister explained in response to a parliamentarian’s question. Furthermore, the use of nitrogen in the capsule is not compatible with the objective of the law on chemical products.

  2. >the capsule does not meet the requirements of product safety legislation

    Really? Didn’t they understand the purpose of the device?

  3. Wow. A lot of bullshit answers here.

    The capsule has to be safe. Yeah. Even if the person in the capsule wants to die. It still has to be safe for everyone.

    The capsule shouldn’t be available for everybody without a deep look into the case. Why? Let’s say Grandma is 70. She can’t walk, she can barely talk. We want to make it clear, that Grandma doesn’t hold a death wish because she feels like a burden to her kids. The capsule is for terminal ill people without any hope of recovery. Not for “I just don’t feel it anymore”.

    We need a bulky capsule because there’s more to that than switching the lights if. Safety, dignity and taking care that the process is as painless as possible. Just strapping a mask to Grandma’s face leads to shitty situations. Imagine that project under American healthcare. We don’t want that.

  4. It’s intriguing yet troubling that such innovative concepts face legal challenges, especially when they’re designed to offer dignity in difficult circumstancess.

  5. Good for the person that was able to use it before they got found. Making it a crime to kill yourself is hella dystopian. Just let us fucking die peacefully and painlessly if we want to.

  6. ExaminationLife5888 on

    Fuck the prosecutor, if I want to die either I’m getting g my hands on that pod, or I’m getting my hands on a gun, and if gun is the choice, then other people are in danger, because there’s a lot of huge assholes, and suicidal people aren’t worried about consequences. REMOVING ACCESS TO SUICIDE PODS WILL LEAD TO MASS SHOOTINGS, MARK MY WORDS

  7. Imagine making this a business model? How many people could be manipulated in to offing themselves for their life savings?

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