It Turns Out Not Even Republican Voters Like Republican Health Care Ideas — A new survey shows the “concepts of a plan” that Donald Trump and JD Vance have referenced are highly unpopular.

Source: Coffee_n_wifi


  1. flouncindouchenozzle on

    My friend’s dad is constantly complaining about the cost of health care.

    But he won’t vote for Harris because he’s hung up on illegal immigrants committing crimes and getting handouts.

  2. TriggerNutzofDOOM on

    Republicans cannot stand anyone else getting ahead or benefiting from any social service so they’ll vote against their own self interest.

    That’s hardly an opinion either. The party has a long history of how it votes.

  3. So are you saying that Trump and JD Vance are trying to convince me that the rich oligarchs in this here country are trying to use fear and hatred to get me to vote against two of the things that’s useful to keep my democracy which are unions and the government? But didn’t ole Ronald Reagan say that the government was bad? And didn’t ole Donnie and JD say that there’s a deep state conspiracy and that I have to vote for them less those big bad demo crats that gave us Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, voting rights, women’s rights, 40-hour work week, unemployment insurance etc, aren’t those the bad people? I’m confused. I’ve been watching Fox News, OANN, Breitbart, Newsmax, 4 chan, and they’re talking about this here deep state conspiracy. I don’t know what to believe anymore. I mean, I can’t even trust old Mark Robinson because he’s talking about owning slaves now.

  4. CRTsdidnothingwrong on

    What’s interesting though is that it’s largely red states that chose to let insurers to charge more for smokers (which is allowed under the ACA) and largely blue states that did not.

    I mean it makes old fashioned sense for the party, but it just doesn’t line up with the democrats anti tobacco stance nowadays.

  5. They don’t have ideas — they have concepts. 

    Concepts being healthcare being better and cheaper. Which is all fine and dandy, but conceptualizing a plan requires ideas on how to get there, but they don’t care about that.  

  6. GoodUserNameToday on

    They don’t like the plan until it comes out of the mouth of orange Hitler or donut boy. Then they love it. They’re a cult.

  7. The concept seems to be: Reinstate preexisting conditions and make healthcare even more unaffordable, while ending the ACA to make sure it’s *really* unaffordable.

    AKA “death panels” only where money is the sole factor in whether or not you get to live or die.

    Shocking that this concept of a plan is wildly unpopular!

  8. I_like_baseball90 on

    Thing is there are millions of MAGA people on Obamacare.

    They would be willing to give up their medical just to “own the libs?”

    Makes zero sense.

  9. TheBestermanBro on

    I’m absolutely certain that if you laid out Democratic.policy plans and GOP (concept of) plans on the table and scrub the D and R off of them, the D ones.would win 90% approval. We saw this with people loving the sound of ACA, but would hate Obamacare. No GOP policy is liked or popular, but the propaganda and tribalism runs deep on the right. 

    Also, lol at all the empty fear around immigrants. That south park “dey took er jerbs!” Episode is like 20 years old now, and the Right are still the butt of the joke.

  10. thingsorfreedom on

    They like tax cuts for them and brown people scare them. Everything else they say is just noise.

  11. I mean, what do you expect when the Republican Healthcare plan is *”…concepts of a plan…”*

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