After two years of fighting, the battle of Vuhledar is coming to an end. Vuhledar, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine. 24.09.2024

Source: lenya_01


  1. those ruzzkies spent 2 years, lost thousands of troops and hundreds of tanks and APCs just to take a town of 16 000 inhabitants… What a win indeed -_-

  2. SmokingBlackSeaFleet on

    Imagine the thousands men, tanks and other equipment Russia has lost to take this “random” town.

    Which is not a town anymore, it’s just rubble.

    Russia can’t keep this up forever and once they can’t, I think large swaths of territory will be taken back by Ukraine. Wether it is in 2 years or 20 years, Vuhledar will be Ukrainian again.

    Just like what happened with the Soviet & US invasions of Afghanistan.

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