Opposition Leader Peter Dutton slams Prime Minister as too ‘weak’ in supermarket price scandal

Source: River-Stunning


  1. Demosthenes12345 on

    Didn’t have to look to know that it was Sky “news”. You really need to stop posting propaganda here.

  2. Dutton has been isong weak as a form of insult. Is this a sign that just like Trump, Dutton admires Putin and his strong leadership?

    Weak is being in power for 9 years and have no action on energy or housing.

  3. Inevitable_Geometry on

    Ok, so bear with me here.

    When Dutton had his 9 years in a LNP Federal Government – what did he do to ease the cost of living that was already shithouse?

    Well Peter? Tell us all about how STRONG you were then?

  4. It’s opposite world. The PM has referred to Peter Dutton’s call to divest the supermarkets (as crazy as it is) and *attack on capitalism*

  5. Easy claim to make from the opposition bench. Colesworths haven’t changed their practices in the last 40 odd years but you all of a suddenly pretend to have an issue with it. In power for 32 of the last 40 years but conveniently grow a conscience when you’re in opposition just so you can throw some red meat to the Nationals without having to deliver anything. Great for soundbite on the news but nothing of substance as usual.

  6. >The Opposition Leader claimed a Coalition government would handle the issue by ensuring supermarkets profitability while ensuring they don’t exploit their market dominance.

    >“A government I lead will make sure that Coles and Woolworths are profitable but that they’re (also) delivering the best possible outcome for their customers,” he said.

    So basically what Dutton would do differently is all just “having better vibes”. Yes, Albanese is weak, but Dutton has failed to produce any real policies that would change anything, so it’s all just empty rhetoric in the end.

  7. Fantastic-Ad-2604 on

    Fuck Dutton having the nerve to say that he would help Colesworths maintain their record profits. What a simp.

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