Labour makes ‘unthinkable’ and ‘exclusionary’ decision to sideline disabled people from DWP ‘inactivity’ board

Source: JimJonesdrinkkoolaid


  1. The board only exists to fiddle figures to remove as many people as possible from the stats of being on benefits. It’s nothing new, for years people on a jobseekers “training course” didn’t count towards the total figure of claimants for example.

  2. Interesting_Skill915 on

    We all know failure to listen to disabled people then nothing will really change long term. They will come up with list of “solutions”. Disabled peoples organisations will point out obvious mistakes. Get ignored, roll it out, sanctions and hardship apply. 

    Few years later nothing has improvement apart from moreAnd more people are further from the work place and with more damaged physical and mental health. It’s not rocket science. Looks if bafflement from all concerned as to why it didn’t work. Repeat every 5 years. 

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