Number of CRA employees fired for inappropriately claiming CERB approaches 300

Source: Jusfiq


  1. You’ve literally got one of the safest jobs and throw it away for a few thousand. Not too mention there goes future job prospects when you can’t put this job on your CV

  2. It’s refreshing that theyre facing consequences for being selfish pieces of shit. Nevermind government; how often does that happen in life? Mind you, is this is like when they catch dickhead cops? Where do you actually send those people so they don’t cause further harm? Can we implement more criminal fines instead of jailtime? Will they just grift more if you fine them? 

    I’m spiralling here, but mahbe just fuck these people for right now and that’s a win. 

  3. So you needed to provide your SIN to apply… and these CRA knuckleheads applied with their own?! 
    Goodness, how stupid can you be

  4. I regret that I just didn’t apply for it, use it as a 0% loan to pay off my car, and then just pay it back when they figured their shit out 3 years later….

  5. I believe that everyone who got CERB should either have to pay it back, or give every essential worker that worked through the pandemic the same amount in the form of a tax break.  

    I also think there should be more scrutiny on businesses (not small mom and pop shops) that claimed subsidies and still paid their bonuses.

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