Rachel Reeves considering cutting sickness benefits at the budget to boost public spending

Source: Dawnbringer_Fortune


  1. Hollywood-is-DOA on

    This is going to massively backfire as SSP is piss poor, so the public isn’t going to accept this, so make UC less is going to make the government end up in the EU courts of arbitration, as its highly controversial and illegal to make people live off next to nothing.

  2. >The minister promised to address the number of young people out of work due to mental health issues, saying: “You have to be earning or learning if you are young.”

    I hope they are making sure mental health issues are managed first before cutting benefits, otherwise they are just implementing what the Tories wanted to implement this whole time. The problem is doing that isn’t going to make much savings in the short term, so let’s see what she says in October.

  3. They’re just throwing shit out, to see which of the unpopular budget cuts, causes the least uproar

  4. Standard-Zone7852 on

    I can sort it. Everybody actively job seeking has to do several hours unpaid work for the council (e.g. picking up litter, emptying bins, painting etc).

  5. Do that and they will lose vote for good! Why does this country love to beat down the most disadvantaged and sick people? It’s the behaviour of psychos…..

  6. JimJonesdrinkkoolaid on

    Why am I not surprised –


    Here’s the thing, I wouldn’t be against it in theory (for people in a position to work) if there was actual investment into skills and training, but you know with the way this government is that they won’t do that, they’ll just cut benefits without any kind of assistance to people, and sorry but that’s pretty evil.

  7. SmoothlyAbrasive on

    I am getting pretty sick of down punching behaviour from the government.

    It made sense under the Tories, it’s what they do. But the public have every right to expect different from a Labour government, and we really should insist on better. Oi, Reeves, how about you stop trying to take the scraps from the mouths of the struggling, and slap the caviar out of the mouths of the bloated instead, not as well as, not alongside, but instead?

    The mega rich haven’t paid their share since the days before Thatcher. Might be an idea to correct that, rather than making trouble for the poor.

  8. Fun fact many medical service providers are refusing to accept requests for ADHD diagnosis because they’re overrun by everyone claiming they have it. Look it up. I’m not making this up. There’s something wrong with society if the providers start blocking diagnosis requests where ADHD is suspected. My niece has decided she has it but without formal diagnosis and TBH, she’s entirely normal.

  9. The fact they are worse than Tories…. Didn’t the Tory government increase benefits while labour don’t care. They fked up saying they won’t increase taxes. So now go after people in need.

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