Exodus from workforce costs UK ‘£16bn a year’ in lost tax receipts

Source: F0urLeafCl0ver


  1. Most of it is people not starting work rather than people leaving it. That’s interesting. Their parents must be supporting them then? Question is why do young people feel so helpless?

  2. Minimum-Geologist-58 on

    Well that’s a pretty convincing answer that we’ve been looking for.

    I’ve been saying on this sub for a while (not my own thoughts but those of people far wiser) that despite about 1m people joining the workforce through immigration in recent years, it’s barely increased in size. That it was unclear what was causing it except that it was something to do with the sickness claim count increasing amongst young people and almost certainly due to benefit changes the Tories bought in. We can see it isn’t *just* people being sicker because France and Germany have had similar increases in sickness but no corresponding increases in claim count and notably they haven’t changed their welfare systems recently.

    The answer suggested here is that young people are driven on to sickness as the easier benefit to claim because unemployment benefits are so restricted and then they get stuck on it.

    Another classic Tory fuck-up, spending pounds to save pennies and driving people out of work in an attempt to increase employment!

  3. HotelPuzzleheaded654 on

    The movement to a service based economy can alienate a lot of the workforce as it lacks the same purpose other industries provide, for example engineering and construction.

    Also years of wage stagnation and compression means that work simply doesn’t pay at the lower levels for a lot of people.

    I think massive infrastructure projects and moving us further toward energy independence via renewables could offer a solution to these issues whilst improving our infrastructure, economy and security.

  4. I work in STEM and I’m unemployed but not by choice. From my own perspective there’s not really any decent jobs available. In the last 18 months there have been so many redundancies, offshoring of jobs and hiring freezes that I don’t think I’ll find work again in the next 6 months.

    On top of that where jobs are available employers can be so picky and treat candidates like shit because the candidate pool is colossal and they know you’ll be so grateful for the opportunity.

    I’m starting to think about living my life outside of Britain now in following some of my peers to the Middle East. I hate the fact that I have to consider it but it’s really starting to feel like there’s no work for me here anymore

  5. Hollywood-is-DOA on

    I’d love to know where all these 40 hours a week jobs are coming from? As currently they aren’t on the job market at all, as businesses are cutting jobs, left right and centre.

    What the government says and the reality of the situation, is completely different.

  6. Proud to be part of this exodus. The Tories ruined the U.K. and the British public just kept on voting them in, 4 million also voted for reform. I am not helping pay taxes to a nation with those racist ideals nor a people who love to elect inept and corrupt people.

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