UA fpv hits russian BMP3 with following ammo dump detonation, Kursk, Sep 2024

Source: inglip_resummoned2


  1. Decent_Persimmon8120 on

    The BMP-3 haves paper thin armor, coupled with a much bigger price tag, more complex maintenance and heavier weight, it isn´t as much of a sucess as the BMP-2. And despite Russia preseting several up-armor kits at military expos for the BMP-3 specificaly, the vehicles used in Ukraine have none of that, only the standard slat and cope cages. I mean, a lot of videos showing BMP-3´s being targeted, they end up exploding due to ammunition detonation, its simply a powder can with virtualy no armor and lots of ammunition inside, including big 100mm shells and missiles

  2. Comatose_Cosmonaut on

    Even with all the chain link fencing it still erupted into a fireball. I’ve seen Bradley IFVs take an anti tank missile and while it was disabled, it didn’t explode and the crew was able to escape. I know this thread is Pro-Ukrainian 99% of the time but is there any footage of an FPV drone annihilating a Bradley in this fashion?

  3. That smoke column must be a depressing sight for the team being rotated out / resupplied…

    Like old native American smoke signals “we’re running late”

  4. This is the real reason why the Russians don’t report personnel losses. They simply can’t. You’d need an entire regiment of forensic detectives for this one site alone.

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