Montana voting system shut down after Kamala Harris left off ballot

Source: efequalma


  1. 50/50 – one web designer is having a bad day/election interference

    These things never seem to happen to Republicans, for some reason.

  2. The entire election is a mistrial now. We need to redo 2024 from the start, unfortunately. Call Gregory the calendar is going to need some updating.

  3. ColdAdmirableSponge on

    This *could* be an unfortunate accident but when you read the rundown of the other issues with Montana voting it definitely seems this was far more likely not to be an accident.

  4. Biden needs to do an executive order any legal votes not counted will lead to charges or should give the voter the standing to sue. Every voter needs to be able to check if their vote counted.

  5. ranchoparksteve on

    So, some random voter is the first set of eyes to ever see the official ballot? It doesn’t seem possible.

  6. Quoting the lede:

    > “Montana’s election season has gotten off to a rocky start after absentee voters realized Kamala Harris was not a listed candidate on their ballot.

    > “The state was forced to shut down its electronic absentee voter system after it went live on September 20 when a voter reported that there was no option to vote for the vice president.”

  7. Weekly-Somewhere-674 on

    Idk if this is under the purview of the FBI but that’s exactly the kind of thing that should be gone after doggedly

  8. Wow. That’s fucking INSANE. All you can do is hope/pray some of those republicans have an iota of integrity to do the right thing, because the T-virus is real! This country is SICK 😆. Thank god we have some watchdog groups (I know of at least one) that will sue some of these clowns if possible. There’s still hope and some light at the end of this election tunnel. (And the T-virus is a pun from Resident Evil for those wondering.)

  9. BannedAgainDude on

    Someone needs to go to jail.

    This is unacceptable… There is obviously oversight, proof reading, tests, etc before a voting system goes live.

    This is intentional and someone needs to be locked up.

  10. seems logical. random candidate was added well after the primary by 30 random people within the DNC.  Someone in montana probably missed an email.

  11. Dragon_Fam_1003 on

    The Fed should probably dig into any county with 0 votes for either candidate (I say either for all fairness). But this is scary stuff, man.

  12. >As a precaution the Secretary of State’s office, run by Republican Christi Jacobson, took down the electronic absentee system for troubleshooting, although it insisted that very few voters had been affected by this issue.

    I’d like to know specifically what the remedy is here. They need to throw out any ballots that were cast prior to shutting the system down, right? They can’t seriously just say “oh, it wasn’t very many voters that weren’t given the option to choose among all the candidates.”

  13. Jail time to the group that made this happen, complete and utter BS and should never be happening.

  14. His replacement of NAFTA also triggered inflation.

    He also lost 1.5 million jobs and added 9 trillion to the debt.

  15. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 87%. (I’m a bot)
    > Montana's election season has gotten off to a rocky start after absentee voters realized Kamala Harris was not a listed candidate on their ballot.

    > The state was forced to shut down its electronic absentee voter system after it went live on September 20 when a voter reported that there was no option to vote for the vice president.

    > Max Croes, former vice chair of the Montana Democratic Party, said on X, formerly Twitter: "This is criminal…The Montana SOS is an arm of the corrupt Montana GOP.".

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694227 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **vote**^#1 **Montana**^#2 **ballot**^#3 **state**^#4 **Jacobson**^#5

  16. What was the expectation here? That people would fail to notice? This is the dumbest slow-mo coup in history.

  17. Prior-Chip-6909 on

    Do they think that this is how democracy works? that they can just keep a presidential candidate off the ballots?

    The amount of cheating going on here…& yet, somehow they think they are righteous doing this? this is going to blow up in their faces…just like the mid terms.

  18. IT_Geek_Programmer on

    This is bound to get a lot of people angry. The point being is that how did a candidate of a major political party could possibly get left of off the ballot? Wasn’t it the AG Department’s responsibility to test the system and check the ballots before even sending them out?

  19. This election (for POTUS) is going to be decided by court cases in PA and/or GA about which votes should or should not be counted. What a country!! 🤷‍♀️

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