‘White Lives Matter’ billboard sparks controversy

Source: hamer1234


  1. Cons don’t care about you either moron.

    So many said to me “I voted for Doug Ford and I can’t believe he did this to ME. A WHITE person???”

  2. When you create an atmosphere where it’s okay to criticize white, and only white people based on race….this is what you get.

  3. Itchy_Training_88 on

    Looking at the billboard as a whole. It’s obvious this person isn’t looking to have a conversation. He’s looking to stir the pot.

  4. Wow the responses to this post are giving me some real hope for r/canada! Maybe it’s not all bots and trolls y’all!

  5. Look, it’s obviously just some local moron, but jesus man, when you look it up on the internet and see it being reported everywhere as a “white supremacist slogan”, don’t you pause a *little* before you paint that sign?

    **Edit:** lol, nevermind, I just listened to the interview. Buddy’s a legit open racist.

  6. >”As a Legion member, I consider it a complete insult that on Veterans Highway we have signage that imitates white supremacy. And that’s wrong. That’s not what our families fought for, and there’s no place for this in Huron County,” said Hoy.

    Oh dear. First of all, it’s “intimates”, not “imitates”. And second of all, not really, we have quotes from the guy that put it up and that’s not what he meant to imply.

    “White Lives Matter” is a poorly reasoned response by people who feel excluded by the popular “Black Lives Matter” slogan. WLM no more intimates white supremacy than BLM does black supremacy.

    Feel sad for these people and their small-mindedness, and move on.

  7. I hate this sh*t.

    Every human being on this earth matters, regardless of race, culture, age or gender.

  8. Corporations posting record profits year after year.  Prices climbing and people still buying. 

    “Screw socialism!!  Capitalism all the way!  Socialists are making my McDonalds expensive!!!”

    It’s always so cringe-inducing.

  9. Engorged_Creamy on

    lol you can actually see the LPC bots in the comments.

    They’re all talking about “CPC blah blah” when this has nothing to do with the CPC.

  10. “White lives matter” has never been a nazi or neo-nazi slogan. Let me be clear – I’m not defending or advocating any side of this. I’m just asking that we don’t conflate things and make up shit to state our case.

  11. Upstairs-Ad-8593 on

    Keep on dancing, monkeys. Keep falling for the grift. Don’t focus on real issues like housing, healthcare and affordability. Don’t pay attention to what the elites are doing, focus on the culture war. Fight poors fight!

  12. People that do this don’t have anything intelligent to add to the conversation, just want to rile people up, and think getting them ‘angry’ is the same as winning. This is literally just 4chan IRL trolling.

    Giving this stupidity this level of attention just breeds more of it.

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