JD Vance mocked for saying eggs cost $4 — while standing directly in front of a dozen for $2.99

Source: theindependentonline


  1. theindependentonline on

    [JD Vance](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/jd-vance) was roundly mocked online over a trip to the supermarket where he bemoaned the steep price of eggs.

    The Republican[ vice presidential nominee ](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-harris-news-polls-elections-campaign-b2617451.html)stopped by a supermarket in Reading, Pennsylvania, with his sons over the weekend to illustrate how grocery prices have been impacted by [“Kamala Harris’s policies” ](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/kamala-harris-ap-joe-biden-donald-trump-tyson-b2597043.html)when he claimed a dozen eggs cost $4.

    The problem? When footage of the visit emerged, Vance was quickly called out by viewers who spotted the price tag of a dozen eggs behind him was actually $2.99.

    “Looking at the prices here, things are way too expensive and they’re way too expensive because of [Kamala Harris](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/kamala-harris)’s policies,” he told shoppers.

    READ MORE HERE: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jd-vance-eggs-kamala-harris-b2617527.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jd-vance-eggs-kamala-harris-b2617527.html)

  2. rickskyscraper3000 on

    When someone is living in a delusional headspace, the more objective reality surrounding them goes unnoticed. Sometimes I wonder if MAGA is delusional or just acting like reality doesn’t exist, or if it’s some combination of the two.

  3. What a turd. I’m pretty sure Kamala is not the one increasing quarterly profits by the billions.

  4. >“Let’s talk about eggs,” Vance continued. “Because these guys actually eat about 14 eggs every single morning,”

    14 eggs every morning for three kids, ages 6, 4 and 2? Wow, soon they’ll be as big as Gaston!

  5. They can’t say a single thing without it blowing up in their faces.   I guess that’s the downside of running on nothing but lies. 

  6. Major-Stick-394 on

    Birds of feather flock together. Vance lies as much as Trump does. When Trump was President he told twenty-one lies a day.

    Why are eggs so expensive again in 2024?

    Avian influenza, commonly called bird flu, has disrupted the nation’s egg distribution for the second time in two years. Wholesale egg prices have more than doubled in the past four months, and retail prices have followed.Sep 13, 2024

    If Vance doesn’t know that he should, the more likely explanation is he’s lying, but it could be ignorance.

  7. swiftlikessharpthing on

    So basically this asshat’s version of “Honestly, how much can one banana cost?”

    This guy is so inauthentic he makes Temu knockoffs blush

  8. blueclawsoftware on

    While it’s great to see him mocked for anything can we focus on how stupid the premise of $4 dollars for a dozen eggs is too expensive?

    It’s hard for me to fathom how the heartland of this country continues to vote republican when they can barely put food on their own table, meanwhile, guys like Vance want them to make even less on the produce/animal products that they produce. $4/dz is barely above breakeven for most farms.

  9. Think of how incompetent these losers are when trying to talk shit, which is not hard to do, and then picture them trying to run the most powerful country in the world. Even if their ideas weren’t evil, it’d still be a shit show.

  10. >”Hey, you might want to remove the price tags next time you lie on camera. Also, you’re holding a pack of 24 eggs. I know math isn’t your strong suit, but that’s two dozen.”

    He’s really not very good at any of this, is he?

  11. Mysterious_Emu7462 on

    Once again reality’s left-leaning bias immediately refutes a conservative pundit. Who would’ve guessed?

  12. I don’t get the obsession with the price of eggs and milk. I live in a very high cost of living city and buy 18 eggs for $5. Of course it’s more expensive than a decade an ago but by far and away one of the best values in the whole store. Price per meal and health benefits are amazing.

  13. and he’s lying because egg prices are high right now because of a shortage of chickens from bird flu. Some of it is also greedflation,

    only an idiot would think a President sets prices and sets them high on purpose.

  14. Surprised we don’t get more egg misinformation, given that the [most recent bird flu breakout](https://www.stlpr.org/2024-09-19/bird-flu-egg-prices-expensive) is happening under the current administration and how much inherent [price variability there is between states](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/egg-prices-by-state) (easy min-maxing).

    Then again, the minds behind conservative rhetoric are wildly out of touch (cue “it’s one banana” meme).

  15. I’m about to type a sentence that I will type each and every single time I see JD humiliate himself, which happens almost daily:

    I am amused by how terrible he is at campaigning. What makes this especially amusing is that his people keep shoving him in front of cameras to remind the American people about how terrible he is.

  16. He’s trying to look normal in a white collared long-sleeved shirt, jeans up tight and new shoes. Bless his heart.

    Walz is able to wear regular outdoors clothes well because he actually wears regular and outdoors clothes in real life.

  17. I’m actually a bit nervous that Trump and JD Vances complete lack of care for their campaign (given how much of a shot feat it is), is because they have guarantees in place come November, *cough* the Supreme Court Justices…. The Trump and Vance can day and do whatever they want because Jan 6th never really ended and will continue in a different form.

    But I’m also cynical. Maybe they really are just as awful as they appear and there’s really no method to the mayhem.

  18. first off, maybe let your kids eat a bowl of Cookie Crunch every now and then, ya weirdo!

    second, how will taking imported eggs make local eggs cheaper? It doesn’t even make sense. If anything it’ll make them more expensive.

    This whole thing is weird… why is he feeding his kids so many eggs?!?

  19. Eggs has been so weird the last few years. So many swings. A few months ago they were under $2 for me for a dozen and now they are $3.5. Looks like avian flu is wrecking havoc again

  20. Economy_Combination4 on

    JD Vance should be mocked about everything at all times. That piece of shit won’t even defend his wife from the racism of his own supporters. Utterly fucking useless

  21. Even during the maximum egg price height I was always able to get a dozen around 2.99 at Trader Joe’s. I’m in CA. It made it blatantly obvious the other supermarkets were price gouging.

  22. >“Let’s talk about eggs,” Vance continued. “Because these guys actually eat about 14 eggs every single morning,”

    Every time Vance speaks I am more and more convinced he’s some kind of skinwalker who had to cram for a couple weeks before being sent here to pretend to be human.

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