Iranian president says he does not want war with Israel

Source: XSakuraBlossomX


  1. It’s weird because all their actions say the opposite…….🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  2. ThemosttrustedFries on

    Clearly lying. They are just waiting until they finally got the nuke and then all hell breaks loose. Remember all their members in the Parliament keeps chanting for the destruction of Israel.

  3. He’s not lying. He doesn’t want war coz they will be flattened. He would much rather Israel is destroyed without one.

  4. Nonsense_Producer on

    Maybe he doesn’t want his mobile phone to explode and rip half his head off? I think Israel’s strikes in Lebanon and Iran made a lot of bearded guys think twice, as they realise that the dying will not only be done by their lower ranks and proxies, but by them personally.

  5. Maximum_Mud_8393 on

    “We don’t want actual war, just proxy bullshit. All those terrorist orgs we created and funded are just pranks. Also, please unsanction us our economy is shit and we can’t get helicopter parts”

  6. The Iranian leadership lies as easily as it breathes. No one with basic knowledge of Iranian weapon distribution and IRG activities could believe such statements except in their most twisted and literal sense–Iran has no interest in a war because their proxies will fight it for them.

  7. Destination_Centauri on

    If you @sswipes known as the government of Iran don’t want war…

    Then maybe S T O P sending an endless flow of missiles to Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and your brand new pals, Russia?

    Maybe S T O P abusing, torturing, and raping women you take into custody?

    Maybe also S T O P laughing and snickering in the background, as you encourage other people to commit grave atrocities like the Oct 2023 horrific invasion of Israel?

    Otherwise here is what I think of your president and government:


    Here’s to hoping that the USA FINALLY gets a real president with courage, that is real sick and tired of your antics, and makes sure you lose a bunch of oil refineries, naval bases, and government buildings.

  8. Is he sure? Because after arming and training proxies to attack Israel, it kinda sounds like he wants war with Israel.

  9. Wide_Connection9635 on

    The way Iran functions is ‘interesting.’

    The President in Iran is not everything. They are elected.

    The ‘supreme leader’ is actually the head of state. We’re kind of used to heads of state being a king of figure head. Like the Royalty in England is just a figure head mainly. The Supreme leader is not elected like the President it. It’s an Islamic council for lack of a better word and they are very powerful and in charge of the military and can do a lot in terms of impacting the bureaucracy.

    It’s entirely possible, the president doesn’t want any war. However, if the Supreme leader wants war and wants to fund proxies and other organizations, they will.

    When it comes to foreign relations in Iran, the President isn’t the guy you really need to deal with.

  10. Because that means Israel would actually strike back, instead of just being bullied by the proxies. 

  11. Many_Advice_1021 on

    When countries look at war , they should look at the Vietnam war. 40 years later and both countries are trading partner. What a waste that war was. Negotiations are best .

  12. So stop launching rocket at Israel, like Hezbollah has been doing on a weekly basis?

    Stop funding Hamas and firing rockets and invading Israel?

    Stop shooting missiles at Israel?

    Note the pattern here yet?

  13. Dude is powerless!
    The big old fart has all the power and he wants war but he’s too scared to escalate!

  14. I’ve seen some of their textbooks. If they don’t want a war with Israel, then either they’re deliberately not expecting people to believe the things they teach or they’ve made some really poor choices with their school curriculums.

  15. Lmao. Then maybe dont fund Hamas and hezbollah and champion Oct 7 and promised efforts to repeat it.

  16. He MIGHT not, but there are another 30 factions of the government that don’t answer to him that probably do. 

  17. Iran gives weapons and funding to Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis to attack Israel. Now they are obligated to attack otherwise they won’t get more funding. Of course people of Gaza, Lebanon, and Yemen will suffer for it, while Iran says nothing to do with them.

  18. It seems pretty clear from their reactions to previous Israeli action , that they don’t want an all out war which would damage them directly, but they do want as much influence as possible in the area through proxies and to maintain violent pressure on Israel through those proxies.

  19. Neither does Kermit but any a grown man’s hairy arm up his ass manipulating his mouth but there we are.

    It’s not easy, being green, and also a puppet.

  20. Comfortable_Cash_140 on

    I believe they don’t want a direct war. I also believe they want to continue their proxy war.

    A line needs to be drawn. An attack by your proxy is an attack by you.

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