Relations with Russia should be reconsidered after war in Ukraine, Macron says

Source: AdSpecialist6598


  1. Russia should be sanctioned till three things happen. One they withdraw all troops from Ukraine lands to include Crimea. Two Putin is removed from power. 3 they pay reparations to rebuild Ukraine.

  2. North Korea shares a land border with Russia, has 1.28 million soldiers, and will never in 100 years get a better chance to invade Moscow than right now

  3. Relations are based on need and Russia doesn’t have much we will need in the future because their economy is pathetic and they’ve sucked at trade for like the last couple hundred years. It’s not a recent problem that they can’t keep up with tech and modernization. It’s the history of their entire existence and the only time they reversed that trend is stealing a bunch of German tech and Eastern European nations. After that looting boosted them went right back to falling behind.

  4. ChanuteNukes1986SLB on

    Russia’s foreign assets should seized and used to pay for the war and reconstruction of Ukraine!

  5. SnooHesitations8955 on

    Umm. Always “trust but verify” with the French they have a tendency to capitulate and find a ways to fuck it up every turn.

  6. presbyvestibulopathy on

    Now it becomes quite evident that China and North Korea (and some of Middle east countries including Iran) would keep take advantage of current situation by selling weapons to Russia.

    Hope that Macron means what he is saying, not just saying it.
    Ruissa is far different from western Europe.

  7. Yes, it should always be considered a hostile nation. There is no reason to go back to the normalization that used to be there.

  8. Russia should not be allowed to return to the world stage until Ukraine and any other nation they have altered the sovereignty of is restored and full reparations are made to Ukraine and any other country they have taken control of even in part.

  9. Yes, relations with anybody anytime should be reconsidered at some point in the future.
    Conditions apply…

  10. Sure sounds great all the have to do is withdraw and return all land and historical property to Ukraine, current leadership is removed, they pay to have Ukraine restored to what it was and international oversight and control of their nuclear stockpile is implemented. Maybe then they can be part of the world again. Do all that or they can hang out with NK and Iran and slowly fade into obscurity.

  11. TheKoolestCucumber on

    Fuck that. U wanna step out and kill a bunch of folks? You should, in turn, be flattened to rubble.

  12. Can we take one thing at a time here in the right priority sequence. 1. Kick *rcs butt, win war, and restore ALL territory with a reasonable rebuild agreement. (After point 1 is achieved, start the process of wondering about point 2 and not before) 2. Consider whether a relationship with Russia is wanted / needed and at what level.

  13. Russia was supplying cheap gas. We all get it, Europe is now struggling because of this war, more than anyone. VW is literally first time in history considering closing factories, cannot produce cars profitably anymore, this is wild.

  14. Once Russia makes all reparations to Ukraine and signs an international agreement on Ukraines independence from Russia I might agree with Macron.

  15. Shouldn’t be having relations with them at all, they are terrorists. Because they are bigger than most groups and have a recognized county of their own should make no difference in how they are treated.

  16. Before Macron says something, he uses a “Spin The Wheel” and according to where it lands, that’s his stance on said situation.

  17. You have to… they are one of the largest powers on earth AND space… also tons of nuclear weapons along with one of the largest standing armies (growing larger as the war drags on)

    Forever war/sanctions are not gonna work despite all your precious snowflake feelings. We will reset with Russia AND Putin

  18. Well yeah, eventually, people are still people. Old men should never let hate gets in the way of the new generation, hate would just push Russia down the path of pre-WW2 Germany and potentially spawn something worse than Putin.

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