Six water firms in England ‘overcharged customers by up to £1.5bn’

Source: sdfsdfsdfasfd


  1. Nobody is getting their money back. The shareholders won’t pay for this. So even if they do credit people’s bills they’ll just claw it back with increased prices later.

    Time to nationalise water.

  2. TheShakyHandsMan on

    No surprise to see my local water scammer on the list. 

    Easily the second worst in the country. 

  3. Yeah but think of the amazing dividends and stock buybacks they were able to do. Won’t someone please think of the shareholders.

  4. Shazalamadingdong on

    There’s a pond not far from me that has a drainage area that looks just like that picture. It’s disgusting and Severn Trent know it. If they can pay their CEO £3m+ or whatever it is, they can sort this out. They’ve been ripping us off for decades and it’s time to stop.

    Interesting point I made in another article the other day: One of Labour’s lobbyists in the run-up to the election was from a firm called Teneo. One of Teneo’s clients is Thames Water. It will be interesting to see if this government actually does anything about this or whether our money will keep flowing into shareholders’ bulging pockets.


  5. HuckleberryLow2283 on

    Did they really just let the companies do their own reporting and no one was checking to keep them honest? What did they expect?

  6. If only we had a “Labour” party in Government that wasn’t ideologically opposed to Nationalisation. It’s just batshit insane that we allow this to happen.

  7. Overcharged is strange way of saying Stole… Also 1.5bn and they still want more to clean up their mess

  8. tits-are-the-best on

    It’s gonna just keep happening. I genuinely do not understand why there isn’t a government department dedicated to this problem.

    Mind you, it’s been 6 years to determine if Escooters are a vehicle or not. If that takes an entire department probably 10 years, this water one will likely take 20-30 years?

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