Restaurants Canada predicting severe consequences following changes to foreign workers policy

Source: EntrepreneurKooky695


  1. Don’t care. Boohoo people have to hire Canadians and not receive $30,000 to hire someone for an LMIA.

  2. IntelligentPoet7654 on

    Learn how to cook and you won’t go to restaurants. That’s what I did and I saved so much money.

  3. As if the restaurant industry is the most pressing thing in this country… if you can’t afford to pay Canadians a wage worthwhile to work you should fail and go under. Let the strong thrive and let the rest go under, it’s time for a correction in this country, we’ve got so much bloat everywhere from our Government down to the number of franchises. 

  4. ProlapseTickler3 on

    Restaurants Canada is a non-profit group of employers

    These are the people pressuring the government for more TFWs. Half their website is about immigration and TFWs

    They also claim to have 73,000 job vacancies

    >Today, the foodservice industry has 73,000 job vacancies, but our focus now is on longer-term solutions, specifically providing opportunities for newcomers such as **refugees and asylum seekers to fill the gaps permanently. There are currently more than 1 million of these individuals without work in Canada.**

  5. I don’t care if you’re a tech startup or a mom-and-pop diner, if your business model is reliant on a constant stream of handouts and labour exploitation, it’s not a good business model.

  6. If the only thing keeping your business afloat was people who have ti work for minimum wage, you don’t deserve a business. 

      A healthy economy has a lot of businesses fail, yearly. We have been keeping them going long enough. Sink or swim.

  7. think_like_an_ape on

    Yeah, shut it down. I’ve been in hospitality for over 30 years … we’ll be fine. Hire 16 year olds to wash dishes, clean tables, do kitchen prep. It’s good experience them and the restaurant doesn’t have to fill out any of the pesky paperwork

  8. Yes, if I built a business around low pay for my workers and suddenly there were less workers that will accept low pay, my business would suffer. Does it take an MBA to figure this out?

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