Government announce huge changes to armed forces recruitment.

Source: KeyConflict7069


  1. Until they scrap privatisation in recruitment and admit is was a shit show from the start nothing will change.

  2. >**Introducing a direct recruitment route for cyber specialists**, particularly targeting top gamers and coders. **“If you are a top gamer or coder, your country needs you,”** Healey said.

    Instead of introducing a direct recruitment path for cyber, just get rid of Capita and let the forces handle it themselves, like they used to.

    It’ll be cheaper, the forces **know** what they are looking for, and none of the delays happened before it was outsourced to contractors on the basis that “the private sector can always do it cheaper”.

    As an added bonus, it provided a route to retain injured, older soldiers within the forces, where they might be a few years short of their 22, so that’s knowledge and experience not leaving the forces as well.

  3. Here’s a suggestion…

    Get rid of capita, it shouldn’t take nearly a year to get through recruitment.

    Also increase the number of cadet and recruitment drives through low income areas.

    Try to get the boys before the gangs do.

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