A nice fuck you from Qantas to Australia.

Source: svefn_lemon


  1. I stopped using them when myself and 50,000 other Australians were stuck overseas during covid and the flights went from $2000 one way to upto $20,000 one way depending on where you were.

    They don’t give a crap about the Australian people, so we should stop using them.

  2. it’s going to be similar with all airlines for grand final i just checked virgin prices and it’s pretty much the same.. that would be the return prices not one way

    every major event/school holidays/ christmas flight prices go up

  3. Don’t fly QANTAS and use other airlines. Fuck them and their price gauging bullshit.

    I avoid them as much as possible.

  4. If you are travelling when the AFL is on, these will be the price they set.

    Last weekend Adel to Mel prices were in excess of $900 when it normally around the $100 mark.

    To make it worse, Qantas cancelled one of the flights, left heaps of fans stranded.

  5. You need to understand that when Qantas became a private company, yet the taxpayer continued to bail it out and subsidise it for billions and billions of dollars.

    That wasn’t to ensure we continued to have a cheap and reliable national carrier as a key piece of infrastructure.

    It was so that absolute fucking rats like Joyce could bail to Ireland with $100m AUD and laugh at what a pack of fucking corrupt mutts run this country.

  6. Heard the Adelaide to Sydney flights were $1,800 for people wanting to go to the Sydney vs Port game.

    Made the news paper here with the outrageous prices.

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