Supermarket convenience stores ‘charge up to 21% more than their larger branches’

Source: SKAOG


  1. Amazing investigative journalism from the Guardian.

    I’m awaiting their revelations about the dryness of water and the colour of the sky.

  2. I understand why this happens and yet I find it painful as there are no large supermarkets near where I live. I don’t have a car to be able to reach one. It makes the cost of living that extra bit more expensive.

  3. No shit. I used to live a cross the street from a Sainsbury’s Local and within walking distance of a full sized Waitrose. The Waitrose was SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper.

  4. >price difference even greater for loyalty card members

    Can we just fuck loyalty card discounts off yet? They’re warping perception of what things cost.

  5. embroidered_badge on

    There’s a Co-Op and it’s smaller version half a mile apart on the same road near me. You’d think they were hauling the stock to the top of Everest rather than over a t-junction based on the difference in price.

    I appreciate there’s extra logistics, etc, etc, but sometimes it does look like they’re just taking the piss.

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