Peter Dutton vows to scrap First Nations ambassador position if elected

Source: espersooty


  1. Common sense, no?

    This is another wasteful political appointment by the Labor government that shows no respect for taxpayers’ money ala Bill Shorten’s 300k per year speechwriter.

  2. _Pliny_The_Elder_ on

    I mean he’s actually not wrong.
    I hate not finding condescending one ups man shiip. God dammit.

  3. StopStealingPrivacy on

    Don’t know if that ‘Republican Minister’ is still there, but if so wipe that too. Another waste of taxpayers’ money in an economic crisis where we can’t afford it.

  4. > “I’m not going to tolerate a situation where we are wasting taxpayer money,” Mr Dutton said.

    *refuses to say how much will be pissed away with his nuclear plan*

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